bremer-ios-app / Pods / RealmSwift / RealmSwift / BSON.swift
yhornisse on 10 Sep 2023 13 KB Initial Commit
// Copyright 2020 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

import Realm

/// A tag protocol which marks types that can be used as the partition value
/// for synchronized Realms.
public protocol PartitionValue {

/// Protocol representing a BSON value.
/// - SeeAlso:
public protocol BSON: PartitionValue, Equatable {

extension NSNull: BSON {

extension Int: BSON {

extension Int32: BSON {

extension Int64: BSON {

extension Bool: BSON {

extension Double: BSON {

extension String: BSON {

extension Data: BSON {

extension Date: BSON {

extension Decimal128: BSON {

extension ObjectId: BSON {

extension UUID: BSON {

/// A Dictionary object representing a `BSON` document.
public typealias Document = Dictionary<String, AnyBSON?>

extension Dictionary: BSON, PartitionValue where Key == String, Value == AnyBSON? {

extension Array: BSON, PartitionValue where Element == AnyBSON? {

extension NSRegularExpression: BSON {

/// MaxKey will always be the greatest value when comparing to other BSON types
public typealias MaxKey = RLMMaxKey

extension MaxKey: BSON {

/// MinKey will always be the smallest value when comparing to other BSON types
public typealias MinKey = RLMMinKey

extension MinKey: BSON {

/// Enum representing a BSON value.
/// - SeeAlso:
@frozen public enum AnyBSON: BSON, Sendable {
    /// A BSON double.
    case double(Double)

    /// A BSON string.
    /// - SeeAlso:
    case string(String)

    /// A BSON document.
    indirect case document(Document)

    /// A BSON array.
    indirect case array([AnyBSON?])

    /// A BSON binary.
    case binary(Data)

    /// A BSON ObjectId.
    /// - SeeAlso:
    case objectId(ObjectId)

    /// A BSON boolean.
    case bool(Bool)

    /// A BSON UTC datetime.
    /// - SeeAlso:
    case datetime(Date)

    /// A BSON regular expression.
    case regex(NSRegularExpression)

    /// A BSON int32.
    case int32(Int32)

    /// A BSON timestamp.
    /// - SeeAlso:
    case timestamp(Date)

    /// A BSON int64.
    case int64(Int64)

    /// A BSON Decimal128.
    /// - SeeAlso:
    case decimal128(Decimal128)

    /// A UUID.
    case uuid(UUID)

    /// A BSON minKey.
    case minKey

    /// A BSON maxKey.
    case maxKey

    /// A BSON null type.
    case null

    /// Initialize a `BSON` from an integer. On 64-bit systems, this will result in an `.int64`. On 32-bit systems,
    /// this will result in an `.int32`.
    public init(_ int: Int) {
        if MemoryLayout<Int>.size == 4 {
            self = .int32(Int32(int))
        } else {
            self = .int64(Int64(int))

    /// :nodoc:
    static func convert<T>(_ bson: T) -> AnyBSON {
        switch bson {
        case let val as Int:
            return .int64(Int64(val))
        case let val as Int32:
            return .int32(val)
        case let val as Int64:
            return .int64(val)
        case let val as Double:
            return .double(val)
        case let val as String:
            return .string(val)
        case let val as Data:
            return .binary(val)
        case let val as Date:
            return .datetime(val)
        case let val as Decimal128:
            return .decimal128(val)
        case let val as UUID:
            return .uuid(val)
        case let val as ObjectId:
            return .objectId(val)
        case let val as Document:
            return .document(val)
        case let val as Array<AnyBSON?>:
            return .array(val)
        case let val as Bool:
            return .bool(val)
        case is MaxKey:
            return .maxKey
        case is MinKey:
            return .minKey
        case let val as NSRegularExpression:
            return .regex(val)
        case let val as AnyBSON:
            return val
            return .null

    /// Initialize a `BSON` from a type `T`. If this is not a valid `BSON` type,
    /// it will be considered `BSON` null type and will return `nil`.
    public init<T: BSON>(_ bson: T) {
        self = Self.convert(bson)

    /// Initialize a `BSON` from type `PartitionValue`. If this is not a valid `BSON` type,
    /// it will be considered `BSON` null type and will return `nil`.
    init(partitionValue: PartitionValue) {
        self = Self.convert(partitionValue)

    /// If this `BSON` is an `.int32`, return it as an `Int32`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var int32Value: Int32? {
        guard case let .int32(i) = self else {
            return nil
        return i

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.regex`, return it as a `RegularExpression`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var regexValue: NSRegularExpression? {
        guard case let .regex(r) = self else {
            return nil
        return r

    /// If this `BSON` is an `.int64`, return it as an `Int64`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var int64Value: Int64? {
        guard case let .int64(i) = self else {
            return nil
        return i

    /// If this `BSON` is an `.objectId`, return it as an `ObjectId`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var objectIdValue: ObjectId? {
        guard case let .objectId(o) = self else {
            return nil
        return o

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.date`, return it as a `Date`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var dateValue: Date? {
        guard case let .datetime(d) = self else {
            return nil
        return d

    /// If this `BSON` is an `.array`, return it as an `[BSON]`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var arrayValue: [AnyBSON?]? {
        guard case let .array(a) = self else {
            return nil
        return a

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.string`, return it as a `String`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var stringValue: String? {
        guard case let .string(s) = self else {
            return nil
        return s

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.document`, return it as a `Document`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var documentValue: Document? {
        guard case let .document(d) = self else {
            return nil
        return d

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.bool`, return it as an `Bool`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var boolValue: Bool? {
        guard case let .bool(b) = self else {
            return nil
        return b

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.binary`, return it as a `Binary`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var binaryValue: Data? {
        guard case let .binary(b) = self else {
            return nil
        return b

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.double`, return it as a `Double`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var doubleValue: Double? {
        guard case let .double(d) = self else {
            return nil
        return d

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.decimal128`, return it as a `Decimal128`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var decimal128Value: Decimal128? {
        guard case let .decimal128(d) = self else {
            return nil
        return d

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.timestamp`, return it as a `Timestamp`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var timestampValue: Date? {
        guard case let .timestamp(t) = self else {
            return nil
        return t

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.uuid`, return it as a `UUID`. Otherwise, return nil.
    public var uuidValue: UUID? {
        guard case let .uuid(s) = self else {
            return nil
        return s

    /// If this `BSON` is a `.null` return true. Otherwise, false.
    public var isNull: Bool {
        return self == .null

    /// Return this BSON as an `Int` if possible.
    /// This will coerce non-integer numeric cases (e.g. `.double`) into an `Int` if such coercion would be lossless.
    public func asInt() -> Int? {
        switch self {
        case let .int32(value):
            return Int(value)
        case let .int64(value):
            return Int(exactly: value)
        case let .double(value):
            return Int(exactly: value)
            return nil

    /// Return this BSON as an `Int32` if possible.
    /// This will coerce numeric cases (e.g. `.double`) into an `Int32` if such coercion would be lossless.
    public func asInt32() -> Int32? {
        switch self {
        case let .int32(value):
            return value
        case let .int64(value):
            return Int32(exactly: value)
        case let .double(value):
            return Int32(exactly: value)
            return nil

    /// Return this BSON as an `Int64` if possible.
    /// This will coerce numeric cases (e.g. `.double`) into an `Int64` if such coercion would be lossless.
    public func asInt64() -> Int64? {
        switch self {
        case let .int32(value):
            return Int64(value)
        case let .int64(value):
            return value
        case let .double(value):
            return Int64(exactly: value)
            return nil

    /// Return this BSON as a `Double` if possible.
    /// This will coerce numeric cases (e.g. `.decimal128`) into a `Double` if such coercion would be lossless.
    public func asDouble() -> Double? {
        switch self {
        case let .double(d):
            return d
            guard let intValue = self.asInt() else {
                return nil
            return Double(intValue)

    /// Return this BSON as a `Decimal128` if possible.
    /// This will coerce numeric cases (e.g. `.double`) into a `Decimal128` if such coercion would be lossless.
    public func asDecimal128() -> Decimal128? {
        let str: String
        switch self {
        case let .decimal128(d):
            return d
        case let .int64(i):
            str = String(i)
        case let .int32(i):
            str = String(i)
        case let .double(d):
            str = String(d)
            return nil
        return try? Decimal128(string: str)

    /// Return this BSON as a `T` if possible, otherwise nil.
    public func value<T: BSON>() -> T? {
        switch self {
        case .int32(let val):
            if T.self == Int.self && MemoryLayout<Int>.size == 4 {
                return Int(val) as? T
            return val as? T
        case .int64(let val):
            if T.self == Int.self && MemoryLayout<Int>.size != 4 {
                return Int(val) as? T
            return val as? T
        case .bool(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .double(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .string(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .binary(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .datetime(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .decimal128(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .objectId(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .document(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .array(let val):
            return val as? T
        case .maxKey:
            return MaxKey() as? T
        case .minKey:
            return MinKey() as? T
        case .regex(let val):
            return val as? T
            return nil

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
    public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
        self = .string(value)

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral {
    public init(booleanLiteral value: Bool) {
        self = .bool(value)

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByFloatLiteral {
    public init(floatLiteral value: Double) {
        self = .double(value)

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
    /// Initialize a `BSON` from an integer. On 64-bit systems, this will result in an `.int64`. On 32-bit systems,
    /// this will result in an `.int32`.
    public init(integerLiteral value: Int) {

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
    public init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (String, AnyBSON?)...) {
        self = .document(Document(uniqueKeysWithValues: elements))

extension AnyBSON: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
    public init(arrayLiteral elements: AnyBSON?...) {
        self = .array(elements)

extension AnyBSON: Equatable {}

extension AnyBSON: Hashable {}