bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / include / RLMAsymmetricObject.h
yhornisse on 10 Sep 2023 3 KB Initial Commit
// Copyright 2022 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#import <Realm/RLMObjectBase.h>

RLM_HEADER_AUDIT_BEGIN(nullability, sendability)

@class RLMObjectSchema, RLMPropertyDescriptor, RLMRealm;
 `RLMAsymmetricObject` is a base class used to define asymmetric Realm objects.

 Asymmetric objects can only be created using the `createInRealm:`
 function, and cannot be added, removed or queried.
 When created, asymmetric objects will be synced unidirectionally to the MongoDB
 database and cannot be accessed locally.

 Linking an asymmetric object within an `Object` is not allowed and will throw an error.

 The property types supported on `RLMAsymmetricObject` are the same as for `RLMObject`,
 except for that asymmetric objects can only link to embedded objects, so `RLMObject`
 and `RLMArray<RLMObject>` properties are not supported (`RLMEmbeddedObject` and
 `RLMArray<RLEmbeddedObject>` *are*).
@interface RLMAsymmetricObject : RLMObjectBase

#pragma mark - Creating & Initializing Objects

 Creates an unmanaged instance of a Realm object.
- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

 Creates an unmanaged instance of a Realm object.

 Pass in an `NSArray` or `NSDictionary` instance to set the values of the object's properties.
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(id)value;

 Returns the class name for a Realm object subclass.

 @warning Do not override. Realm relies on this method returning the exact class

 @return  The class name for the model class.
+ (NSString *)className;

 Creates an Asymmetric object, which will be synced unidirectionally and
 cannot be queried locally.

 Objects created using this method will not be added to the Realm.

 @warning This method may only be called during a write transaction.
 @warning This method always returns nil.

 @param realm    The Realm to be used to create the asymmetric object..
 @param value    The value used to populate the object.

 @return  Returns `nil`
+ (instancetype)createInRealm:(RLMRealm *)realm withValue:(id)value;

#pragma mark - Properties

 The object schema which lists the managed properties for the object.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) RLMObjectSchema *objectSchema;

#pragma mark - Dynamic Accessors

/// :nodoc:
- (nullable id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;

/// :nodoc:
- (void)setObject:(nullable id)obj forKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key;


RLM_HEADER_AUDIT_END(nullability, sendability)