bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / watchos-arm64_armv7k_arm64_32 / Headers / realm / sync / network / network_ssl.hpp
yhornisse on 10 Sep 2023 50 KB Initial Commit
#pragma once

#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <system_error>

#include <realm/sync/network/network.hpp>

#include <realm/util/features.h>
#include <realm/util/assert.hpp>
#include <realm/util/misc_errors.hpp>
#include <realm/util/optional.hpp>
#include <realm/util/logger.hpp>

#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <realm/util/cf_ptr.hpp>
#include <Security/Security.h>
#include <Security/SecureTransport.h>



// FIXME: Add necessary support for customizing the SSL server and client
// configurations.

// FIXME: Currently, the synchronous SSL operations (handshake, read, write,
// shutdown) do not automatically retry if the underlying SSL function returns
// with SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ or SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE. This normally never
// happens, but it can happen according to the man pages, but in the case of
// SSL_write(), only when a renegotiation has to take place. It is likely that
// the solution is to to wrap the SSL calls inside a loop, such that they keep
// retrying until they succeed, however, such a simple scheme will fail if the
// synchronous operations were to be used with an underlying TCP socket in
// nonblocking mode. Currently, the underlying TCP socket is always in blocking
// mode when performing synchronous operations, but that may continue to be the
// case in teh future.

namespace realm::sync::network::ssl {

enum class Errors {
    certificate_rejected = 1,

class ErrorCategory : public std::error_category {
    const char* name() const noexcept override final;
    std::string message(int) const override final;
    bool equivalent(const std::error_code&, int) const noexcept override final;

/// The error category associated with \ref Errors. The name of this category is
/// ``.
extern ErrorCategory error_category;

inline std::error_code make_error_code(Errors err)
    return std::error_code(int(err), error_category);

inline std::error_condition make_error_condition(Errors err)
    return std::error_condition(int(err), error_category);

} // namespace realm::sync::network::ssl

namespace std {

template <>
class is_error_condition_enum<realm::sync::network::ssl::Errors> {
    static const bool value = true;

} // namespace std

namespace realm::sync::network {

class OpensslErrorCategory : public std::error_category {
    const char* name() const noexcept override final;
    std::string message(int) const override final;

/// The error category associated with error codes produced by the third-party
/// library, OpenSSL. The name of this category is `openssl`.
extern OpensslErrorCategory openssl_error_category;

class SecureTransportErrorCategory : public std::error_category {
    const char* name() const noexcept override final;
    std::string message(int) const override final;

/// The error category associated with error codes produced by Apple's
/// SecureTransport library. The name of this category is `securetransport`.
extern SecureTransportErrorCategory secure_transport_error_category;

namespace ssl {

class ProtocolNotSupported;

/// `VerifyMode::none` corresponds to OpenSSL's `SSL_VERIFY_NONE`, and
/// `VerifyMode::peer` to `SSL_VERIFY_PEER`.
enum class VerifyMode { none, peer };

class Context {
    ~Context() noexcept;

    /// File must be in PEM format. Corresponds to OpenSSL's
    /// `SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file()`.
    void use_certificate_chain_file(const std::string& path);

    /// File must be in PEM format. Corresponds to OpenSSL's
    /// `SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file()`.
    void use_private_key_file(const std::string& path);

    /// Calling use_default_verify() will make a client use the device
    /// default certificates for server verification. For OpenSSL,
    /// use_default_verify() corresponds to
    /// SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths(SSL_CTX*);
    void use_default_verify();

    /// The verify file is a PEM file containing trust certificates that the
    /// client will use to verify the server certificate. If use_verify_file()
    /// is not called, the default device trust store will be used.
    /// use_verify_file() corresponds roughly to OpenSSL's
    /// SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations().
    void use_verify_file(const std::string& path);

    void ssl_init();
    void ssl_destroy() noexcept;
    void ssl_use_certificate_chain_file(const std::string& path, std::error_code&);
    void ssl_use_private_key_file(const std::string& path, std::error_code&);
    void ssl_use_default_verify(std::error_code&);
    void ssl_use_verify_file(const std::string& path, std::error_code&);

    SSL_CTX* m_ssl_ctx = nullptr;


    std::error_code open_temporary_keychain_if_needed();
    std::error_code update_identity_if_needed();

    util::CFPtr<SecKeychainRef> m_keychain;
    std::string m_keychain_path;

    util::CFPtr<SecCertificateRef> m_certificate;
    util::CFPtr<SecKeyRef> m_private_key;
    util::CFPtr<SecIdentityRef> m_identity;

    util::CFPtr<CFArrayRef> m_certificate_chain;

    using SecKeychainRef = std::nullptr_t;

    static util::CFPtr<CFArrayRef> load_pem_file(const std::string& path, SecKeychainRef, std::error_code&);

    util::CFPtr<CFArrayRef> m_trust_anchors;
    util::CFPtr<CFDataRef> m_pinned_certificate;


    friend class Stream;

/// Switching between synchronous and asynchronous operations is allowed, but
/// only in a nonoverlapping fashion. That is, a synchronous operation is not
/// allowed to run concurrently with an asynchronous one on the same
/// stream. Note that an asynchronous operation is considered to be running
/// until its completion handler starts executing.
class Stream {
    struct MockSSLError;

    using port_type = network::Endpoint::port_type;
    using SSLVerifyCallback = bool(const std::string& server_address, port_type server_port, const char* pem_data,
                                   size_t pem_size, int preverify_ok, int depth);

    enum HandshakeType { client, server };

    util::Logger* logger = nullptr;

    Stream(Socket&, Context&, HandshakeType);
    ~Stream() noexcept;

    /// \brief set_logger() set a logger for the stream class. If
    /// set_logger() is not called, no logging will take place by
    /// the Stream class.
    void set_logger(util::Logger*);

    /// \brief Set the certificate verification mode for this SSL stream.
    /// Corresponds to OpenSSL's `SSL_set_verify()` with null passed as
    /// `verify_callback`.
    /// Clients should always set it to `VerifyMode::peer`, such that the client
    /// verifies the servers certificate. Servers should only set it to
    /// `VerifyMode::peer` if they want to request a certificate from the
    /// client. When testing with self-signed certificates, it is necessary to
    /// set it to `VerifyMode::none` for clients too.
    /// It is an error if this function is called after the handshake operation
    /// is initiated.
    /// The default verify mode is `VerifyMode::none`.
    void set_verify_mode(VerifyMode);

    /// \brief Check the certificate against a host_name.
    /// On the client side, this enables the Server Name Indication (TLS/SNI)
    /// extension if supported by the underlying platform. For OpenSSL, it is
    /// enabled starting from version 1.1.1.
    /// Additionally, this turns on a host name check as part of certificate
    /// verification, if certificate verification is enabled
    /// (set_verify_mode()).
    /// NOTE: With Secure Transport on macos, host name check will be turned on
    /// regardless of whether certificate verification is enabled (see
    void set_host_name(std::string host_name);

    /// get_server_port() and set_server_port() are getter and setter for
    /// the server port. They are only used by the verify callback function
    /// below.
    void set_server_port(port_type server_port);

    /// If use_verify_callback() is called, the SSL certificate chain of
    /// the server is presented to callback, one certificate at a time.
    /// The SSL connection is accepted if and only if callback returns true
    /// for all certificates.
    /// The signature of \param callback is
    /// bool(const std::string& server_address,
    ///      port_type server_port,
    ///      const char* pem_data,
    ///      size_t pem_size,
    ///      int preverify_ok,
    ///      int depth);
    /// server address and server_port is the address and port of the server
    /// that a SSL connection is being established to.
    /// pem_data is the certificate of length pem_size in
    /// the PEM format. preverify_ok is OpenSSL's preverification of the
    /// certificate. preverify_ok is either 0, or 1. If preverify_ok is 1,
    /// OpenSSL has accepted the certificate and it will generally be safe
    /// to trust that certificate. depth represents the position of the
    /// certificate in the certificate chain sent by the server. depth = 0
    /// represents the actual server certificate that should contain the
    /// host name(server address) of the server. The highest depth is the
    /// root certificate.
    /// The callback function will receive the certificates starting from
    /// the root certificate and moving down the chain until it reaches the
    /// server's own certificate with a host name. The depth of the last
    /// certificate is 0. The depth of the first certificate is chain
    /// length - 1.
    /// The return value of the callback function decides whether the
    /// client accepts the certificate. If the return value is false, the
    /// processing of the certificate chain is interrupted and the SSL
    /// connection is rejected. If the return value is true, the verification
    /// process continues. If the callback function returns true for all
    /// presented certificates including the depth == 0 certificate, the
    /// SSL connection is accepted.
    /// A recommended way of using the callback function is to return true
    /// if preverify_ok = 1 and depth > 0,
    /// always check the host name if depth = 0,
    /// and use an independent verification step if preverify_ok = 0.
    /// Another possible way of using the callback is to collect all the
    /// certificates until depth = 0, and present the entire chain for
    /// independent verification.
    void use_verify_callback(const std::function<SSLVerifyCallback>& callback);

    /// use_included_certificates() loads a set of certificates that are
    /// included in the header file src/realm/noinst/root_certs.hpp. By using
    /// the included certificates, the client can verify a server in the case
    /// where the relevant certificate cannot be found, or is absent, in the
    /// system trust store. This function is only implemented for OpenSSL.
    void use_included_certificates();

    /// @{
    /// Read and write operations behave the same way as they do on \ref
    /// network::Socket, except that after cancellation of asynchronous
    /// operations (`lowest_layer().cancel()`), the stream may be left in a bad
    /// state (see below).
    /// The handshake operation must complete successfully before any read,
    /// write, or shutdown operations are performed.
    /// The shutdown operation sends the shutdown alert to the peer, and
    /// returns/completes as soon as the alert message has been written to the
    /// underlying socket. It is an error if the shutdown operation is initiated
    /// while there are read or write operations in progress. No read or write
    /// operations are allowed to be initiated after the shutdown operation has
    /// been initiated. When the shutdown operation has completed, it is safe to
    /// close the underlying socket (`lowest_layer().close()`).
    /// If a write operation is executing while, or is initiated after a close
    /// notify alert is received from the remote peer, the write operation will
    /// fail with error::broken_pipe.
    /// Callback functions for async read and write operations must take two
    /// arguments, an std::error_code(), and an integer of a type std::size_t
    /// indicating the number of transferred bytes (other types are allowed as
    /// long as implicit conversion can take place).
    /// Callback functions for async handshake and shutdown operations must take
    /// a single argument of type std::error_code() (other types are allowed as
    /// long as implicit conversion can take place).
    /// Resumption of stream operation after cancellation of asynchronous
    /// operations is not supported (does not work). Since the shutdown
    /// operation involves network communication, that operation is also not
    /// allowed after cancellation. The only thing that is allowed, is to
    /// destroy the stream object. Other stream objects are not affected.

    void handshake();
    std::error_code handshake(std::error_code&);

    std::size_t read(char* buffer, std::size_t size);
    std::size_t read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec);
    std::size_t read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer&);
    std::size_t read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer&, std::error_code& ec);
    std::size_t read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer&);
    std::size_t read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer&, std::error_code& ec);

    std::size_t write(const char* data, std::size_t size);
    std::size_t write(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec);

    std::size_t read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size);
    std::size_t read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code&);

    std::size_t write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size);
    std::size_t write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code&);

    void shutdown();
    std::error_code shutdown(std::error_code&);

    template <class H>
    void async_handshake(H handler);

    template <class H>
    void async_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, H handler);
    template <class H>
    void async_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer&, H handler);
    template <class H>
    void async_read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer&, H handler);

    template <class H>
    void async_write(const char* data, std::size_t size, H handler);

    template <class H>
    void async_read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size, H handler);

    template <class H>
    void async_write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size, H handler);

    template <class H>
    void async_shutdown(H handler);

    /// @}

    /// Returns a reference to the underlying socket.
    Socket& lowest_layer() noexcept;

    /// Mock the error value returned by ssl_perform() - currently only used by Apple Secure Transport
    void set_mock_ssl_perform_error(std::unique_ptr<MockSSLError>&& error = nullptr);

    using Want = Service::Want;
    using StreamOps = Service::BasicStreamOps<Stream>;

    class HandshakeOperBase;
    template <class H>
    class HandshakeOper;
    class ShutdownOperBase;
    template <class H>
    class ShutdownOper;

    using LendersHandshakeOperPtr = std::unique_ptr<HandshakeOperBase, Service::LendersOperDeleter>;
    using LendersShutdownOperPtr = std::unique_ptr<ShutdownOperBase, Service::LendersOperDeleter>;

    Socket& m_tcp_socket;
    Context& m_ssl_context;
    const HandshakeType m_handshake_type;

    // The host name that the certificate should be checked against.
    // The host name is called server address in the certificate verify
    // callback function.
    std::string m_host_name;

    // The port of the server which is used in the certificate verify
    // callback function.
    port_type m_server_port;

    // The callback for certificate verification and an
    // opaque argument that will be supplied to the callback.
    const std::function<SSLVerifyCallback>* m_ssl_verify_callback = nullptr;

    bool m_valid_certificate_in_chain = false;

    // See Service::BasicStreamOps for details on these these 6 functions.
    void do_init_read_async(std::error_code&, Want&) noexcept;
    void do_init_write_async(std::error_code&, Want&) noexcept;
    std::size_t do_read_some_sync(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code&) noexcept;
    std::size_t do_write_some_sync(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code&) noexcept;
    std::size_t do_read_some_async(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code&, Want&) noexcept;
    std::size_t do_write_some_async(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code&, Want&) noexcept;

    // The meaning of the arguments and return values of ssl_read() and
    // ssl_write() are identical to do_read_some_async() and
    // do_write_some_async() respectively, except that when the return value is
    // nonzero, `want` is always `Want::nothing`, meaning that after bytes have
    // been transferred, ssl_read() and ssl_write() must be called again to
    // figure out whether it is necessary to wait for read or write readiness.
    // The first invocation of ssl_shutdown() must send the shutdown alert to
    // the peer. In blocking mode it must wait until the alert has been sent. In
    // nonblocking mode, it must keep setting `want` to something other than
    // `Want::nothing` until the alert has been sent. When the shutdown alert
    // has been sent, it is safe to shut down the sending side of the underlying
    // socket. On failure, ssl_shutdown() must set `ec` to something different
    // than `std::error_code()` and return false. On success, it must set `ec`
    // to `std::error_code()`, and return true if a shutdown alert from the peer
    // has already been received, otherwise it must return false. When it sets
    // `want` to something other than `Want::nothing`, it must set `ec` to
    // `std::error_code()` and return false.
    // The second invocation of ssl_shutdown() (after the first invocation
    // completed) must wait for reception on the peers shutdown alert.
    // Note: The semantics around the second invocation of shutdown is currently
    // unused by the higher level API, because of a requirement of compatibility
    // with Apple's Secure Transport API.
    void ssl_init();
    void ssl_destroy() noexcept;
    void ssl_set_verify_mode(VerifyMode, std::error_code&);
    void ssl_set_host_name(const std::string&, std::error_code&);
    void ssl_use_verify_callback(const std::function<SSLVerifyCallback>&, std::error_code&);
    void ssl_use_included_certificates(std::error_code&);

    void ssl_handshake(std::error_code&, Want& want) noexcept;
    bool ssl_shutdown(std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept;
    std::size_t ssl_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code&, Want& want) noexcept;
    std::size_t ssl_write(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code&, Want& want) noexcept;

    class BioMethod;
    static BioMethod s_bio_method;
    SSL* m_ssl = nullptr;
    std::error_code m_bio_error_code;

    int m_ssl_index = -1;

    template <class Oper>
    std::size_t ssl_perform(Oper oper, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept;

    int do_ssl_accept() noexcept;
    int do_ssl_connect() noexcept;
    int do_ssl_shutdown() noexcept;
    int do_ssl_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size) noexcept;
    int do_ssl_write(const char* data, std::size_t size) noexcept;

    static int bio_write(BIO*, const char*, int) noexcept;
    static int bio_read(BIO*, char*, int) noexcept;
    static int bio_puts(BIO*, const char*) noexcept;
    static long bio_ctrl(BIO*, int, long, void*) noexcept;
    static int bio_create(BIO*) noexcept;
    static int bio_destroy(BIO*) noexcept;

    // verify_callback_using_hostname is used as an argument to OpenSSL's SSL_set_verify function.
    // verify_callback_using_hostname verifies that the certificate is valid and contains
    // m_host_name as a Common Name or Subject Alternative Name.
    static int verify_callback_using_hostname(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) noexcept;

    // verify_callback_using_delegate() is also used as an argument to OpenSSL's set_verify_function.
    // verify_callback_using_delegate() calls out to the user supplied verify callback.
    static int verify_callback_using_delegate(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) noexcept;

    // verify_callback_using_root_certs is used by OpenSSL to handle certificate verification
    // using the included root certifictes.
    static int verify_callback_using_root_certs(int preverify_ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx);
    util::CFPtr<SSLContextRef> m_ssl;
    VerifyMode m_verify_mode = VerifyMode::none;
    std::unique_ptr<MockSSLError> m_mock_ssl_perform_error;

    enum class BlockingOperation {
    util::Optional<BlockingOperation> m_last_operation;

    // Details of the underlying I/O error that lead to errSecIO being returned
    // from a SecureTransport function.
    std::error_code m_last_error;

    // The number of bytes accepted by SSWrite() but not yet confirmed to be
    // written to the underlying socket.
    std::size_t m_num_partially_written_bytes = 0;

    template <class Oper>
    std::size_t ssl_perform(Oper oper, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept;

    std::pair<OSStatus, std::size_t> do_ssl_handshake() noexcept;
    std::pair<OSStatus, std::size_t> do_ssl_shutdown() noexcept;
    std::pair<OSStatus, std::size_t> do_ssl_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size) noexcept;
    std::pair<OSStatus, std::size_t> do_ssl_write(const char* data, std::size_t size) noexcept;

    static OSStatus tcp_read(SSLConnectionRef, void*, std::size_t* length) noexcept;
    static OSStatus tcp_write(SSLConnectionRef, const void*, std::size_t* length) noexcept;

    OSStatus tcp_read(void*, std::size_t* length) noexcept;
    OSStatus tcp_write(const void*, std::size_t* length) noexcept;

    OSStatus verify_peer() noexcept;

    friend class Service::BasicStreamOps<Stream>;
    friend class network::ReadAheadBuffer;
    friend struct MockSSLError; // for access to Service::Want

// Implementation

class ProtocolNotSupported : public std::exception {
    const char* what() const noexcept override final;

inline Context::Context()
    ssl_init(); // Throws

inline Context::~Context() noexcept

inline void Context::use_certificate_chain_file(const std::string& path)
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_use_certificate_chain_file(path, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Context::use_private_key_file(const std::string& path)
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_use_private_key_file(path, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Context::use_default_verify()
    std::error_code ec;
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Context::use_verify_file(const std::string& path)
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_use_verify_file(path, ec);
    if (ec) {
        throw std::system_error(ec);

class Stream::HandshakeOperBase : public Service::IoOper {
    HandshakeOperBase(std::size_t size, Stream& stream)
        : IoOper{size}
        , m_stream{&stream}
    Want initiate()
        REALM_ASSERT(this == m_stream->m_tcp_socket.m_read_oper.get());
        m_stream->m_tcp_socket.m_desc.ensure_nonblocking_mode(); // Throws
        return advance();
    Want advance() noexcept override final
        Want want = Want::nothing;
        m_stream->ssl_handshake(m_error_code, want);
        set_is_complete(want == Want::nothing);
        return want;
    void recycle() noexcept override final
        bool orphaned = !m_stream;
        // Note: do_recycle() commits suicide.
    void orphan() noexcept override final
        m_stream = nullptr;
    Service::Descriptor& descriptor() noexcept override final
        return m_stream->lowest_layer().m_desc;

    Stream* m_stream;
    std::error_code m_error_code;

template <class H>
class Stream::HandshakeOper : public HandshakeOperBase {
    HandshakeOper(std::size_t size, Stream& stream, H handler)
        : HandshakeOperBase{size, stream}
        , m_handler{std::move(handler)}
    void recycle_and_execute() override final
        REALM_ASSERT(is_complete() || is_canceled());
        bool orphaned = !m_stream;
        std::error_code ec = m_error_code;
        if (is_canceled())
            ec = util::error::operation_aborted;
        // Note: do_recycle_and_execute() commits suicide.
        do_recycle_and_execute<H>(orphaned, m_handler, ec); // Throws

    H m_handler;

class Stream::ShutdownOperBase : public Service::IoOper {
    ShutdownOperBase(std::size_t size, Stream& stream)
        : IoOper{size}
        , m_stream{&stream}
    Want initiate()
        REALM_ASSERT(this == m_stream->m_tcp_socket.m_write_oper.get());
        m_stream->m_tcp_socket.m_desc.ensure_nonblocking_mode(); // Throws
        return advance();
    Want advance() noexcept override final
        Want want = Want::nothing;
        m_stream->ssl_shutdown(m_error_code, want);
        if (want == Want::nothing)
        return want;
    void recycle() noexcept override final
        bool orphaned = !m_stream;
        // Note: do_recycle() commits suicide.
    void orphan() noexcept override final
        m_stream = nullptr;
    Service::Descriptor& descriptor() noexcept override final
        return m_stream->lowest_layer().m_desc;

    Stream* m_stream;
    std::error_code m_error_code;

template <class H>
class Stream::ShutdownOper : public ShutdownOperBase {
    ShutdownOper(std::size_t size, Stream& stream, H handler)
        : ShutdownOperBase{size, stream}
        , m_handler{std::move(handler)}
    void recycle_and_execute() override final
        REALM_ASSERT(is_complete() || is_canceled());
        bool orphaned = !m_stream;
        std::error_code ec = m_error_code;
        if (is_canceled())
            ec = util::error::operation_aborted;
        // Note: do_recycle_and_execute() commits suicide.
        do_recycle_and_execute<H>(orphaned, m_handler, ec); // Throws

    H m_handler;

inline Stream::Stream(Socket& socket, Context& context, HandshakeType type)
    : m_tcp_socket{socket}
    , m_ssl_context{context}
    , m_handshake_type{type}
    ssl_init(); // Throws

inline Stream::~Stream() noexcept

inline void Stream::set_logger(util::Logger* logger_ptr)
    logger = logger_ptr;

inline void Stream::set_verify_mode(VerifyMode mode)
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_set_verify_mode(mode, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Stream::set_host_name(std::string host_name)
    m_host_name = std::move(host_name);
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_set_host_name(m_host_name, ec);
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Stream::set_server_port(port_type server_port)
    m_server_port = server_port;

inline void Stream::use_verify_callback(const std::function<SSLVerifyCallback>& callback)
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_use_verify_callback(callback, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Stream::use_included_certificates()
    std::error_code ec;
    ssl_use_included_certificates(ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline void Stream::handshake()
    std::error_code ec;
    if (handshake(ec)) // Throws
        throw std::system_error(ec);

inline std::size_t Stream::read(char* buffer, std::size_t size)
    std::error_code ec;
    read(buffer, size, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return size;

inline std::size_t Stream::read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
    return StreamOps::read(*this, buffer, size, ec); // Throws

inline std::size_t Stream::read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer& rab)
    std::error_code ec;
    read(buffer, size, rab, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return size;

inline std::size_t Stream::read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer& rab, std::error_code& ec)
    int delim = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
    return StreamOps::buffered_read(*this, buffer, size, delim, rab, ec); // Throws

inline std::size_t Stream::read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer& rab)
    std::error_code ec;
    std::size_t n = read_until(buffer, size, delim, rab, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer& rab,
                                      std::error_code& ec)
    int delim_2 = std::char_traits<char>::to_int_type(delim);
    return StreamOps::buffered_read(*this, buffer, size, delim_2, rab, ec); // Throws

inline std::size_t Stream::write(const char* data, std::size_t size)
    std::error_code ec;
    write(data, size, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return size;

inline std::size_t Stream::write(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
    return StreamOps::write(*this, data, size, ec); // Throws

inline std::size_t Stream::read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size)
    std::error_code ec;
    std::size_t n = read_some(buffer, size, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
    return StreamOps::read_some(*this, buffer, size, ec); // Throws

inline std::size_t Stream::write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size)
    std::error_code ec;
    std::size_t n = write_some(data, size, ec); // Throws
    if (ec)
        throw std::system_error(ec);
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec)
    return StreamOps::write_some(*this, data, size, ec); // Throws

inline void Stream::shutdown()
    std::error_code ec;
    if (shutdown(ec)) // Throws
        throw std::system_error(ec);

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_handshake(H handler)
    LendersHandshakeOperPtr op = Service::alloc<HandshakeOper<H>>(m_tcp_socket.m_read_oper, *this,
                                                                  std::move(handler)); // Throws
    m_tcp_socket.m_desc.initiate_oper(std::move(op));                                  // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, H handler)
    bool is_read_some = false;
    StreamOps::async_read(*this, buffer, size, is_read_some, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, ReadAheadBuffer& rab, H handler)
    int delim = std::char_traits<char>::eof();
    StreamOps::async_buffered_read(*this, buffer, size, delim, rab, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_read_until(char* buffer, std::size_t size, char delim, ReadAheadBuffer& rab, H handler)
    int delim_2 = std::char_traits<char>::to_int_type(delim);
    StreamOps::async_buffered_read(*this, buffer, size, delim_2, rab, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_write(const char* data, std::size_t size, H handler)
    bool is_write_some = false;
    StreamOps::async_write(*this, data, size, is_write_some, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_read_some(char* buffer, std::size_t size, H handler)
    bool is_read_some = true;
    StreamOps::async_read(*this, buffer, size, is_read_some, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_write_some(const char* data, std::size_t size, H handler)
    bool is_write_some = true;
    StreamOps::async_write(*this, data, size, is_write_some, std::move(handler)); // Throws

template <class H>
inline void Stream::async_shutdown(H handler)
    LendersShutdownOperPtr op = Service::alloc<ShutdownOper<H>>(m_tcp_socket.m_write_oper, *this,
                                                                std::move(handler)); // Throws
    m_tcp_socket.m_desc.initiate_oper(std::move(op));                                // Throws

inline void Stream::do_init_read_async(std::error_code&, Want& want) noexcept
    want = Want::nothing; // Proceed immediately unless there is an error

inline void Stream::do_init_write_async(std::error_code&, Want& want) noexcept
    want = Want::nothing; // Proceed immediately unless there is an error

inline std::size_t Stream::do_read_some_sync(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec) noexcept
    Want want = Want::nothing;
    std::size_t n = do_read_some_async(buffer, size, ec, want);
    if (n == 0 && want != Want::nothing)
        ec = util::error::resource_unavailable_try_again;
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::do_write_some_sync(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec) noexcept
    Want want = Want::nothing;
    std::size_t n = do_write_some_async(data, size, ec, want);
    if (n == 0 && want != Want::nothing)
        ec = util::error::resource_unavailable_try_again;
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::do_read_some_async(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec,
                                              Want& want) noexcept
    return ssl_read(buffer, size, ec, want);

inline std::size_t Stream::do_write_some_async(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec,
                                               Want& want) noexcept
    return ssl_write(data, size, ec, want);

inline Socket& Stream::lowest_layer() noexcept
    return m_tcp_socket;


inline void Stream::ssl_handshake(std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    auto perform = [this]() noexcept {
        switch (m_handshake_type) {
            case client:
                return do_ssl_connect();
            case server:
                return do_ssl_accept();
        return 0;
    std::size_t n = ssl_perform(std::move(perform), ec, want);
    REALM_ASSERT(n == 0 || n == 1);
    if (want == Want::nothing && n == 0 && !ec) {
        // End of input on TCP socket
        ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;

inline std::size_t Stream::ssl_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    auto perform = [this, buffer, size]() noexcept {
        return do_ssl_read(buffer, size);
    std::size_t n = ssl_perform(std::move(perform), ec, want);
    if (want == Want::nothing && n == 0 && !ec) {
        // End of input on TCP socket
        if (SSL_get_shutdown(m_ssl) & SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) {
            ec = util::MiscExtErrors::end_of_input;
        else {
            ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;
    return n;

inline std::size_t Stream::ssl_write(const char* data, std::size_t size, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    // While OpenSSL is able to continue writing after we have received the
    // close notify alert fro the remote peer, Apple's Secure Transport API is
    // not, so to achieve common behaviour, we make sure that any such attempt
    // will result in an `error::broken_pipe` error.
    if ((SSL_get_shutdown(m_ssl) & SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) != 0) {
        ec = util::error::broken_pipe;
        want = Want::nothing;
        return 0;
    auto perform = [this, data, size]() noexcept {
        return do_ssl_write(data, size);
    std::size_t n = ssl_perform(std::move(perform), ec, want);
    if (want == Want::nothing && n == 0 && !ec) {
        // End of input on TCP socket
        ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;
    return n;

inline bool Stream::ssl_shutdown(std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    auto perform = [this]() noexcept {
        return do_ssl_shutdown();
    std::size_t n = ssl_perform(std::move(perform), ec, want);
    REALM_ASSERT(n == 0 || n == 1);
    if (want == Want::nothing && n == 0 && !ec) {
        // The first invocation of SSL_shutdown() does not signal completion
        // until the shutdown alert has been sent to the peer, or an error
        // occurred (does not wait for acknowledgment).
        // The second invocation (after a completed first invocation) does not
        // signal completion until the peers shutdown alert has been received,
        // or an error occurred.
        // It is believed that:
        // If this is the first time SSL_shutdown() is called, and
        // `SSL_get_shutdown() & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN` evaluates to nonzero, then a
        // zero return value means "partial success" (shutdown alert was sent,
        // but the peers shutdown alert was not yet received), and 1 means "full
        // success" (peers shutdown alert has already been received).
        // If this is the first time SSL_shutdown() is called, and
        // `SSL_get_shutdown() & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN` valuates to zero, then a
        // zero return value means "premature end of input", and 1 is supposedly
        // not a possibility.
        // If this is the second time SSL_shutdown() is called (after the first
        // call has returned zero), then a zero return value means "premature
        // end of input", and 1 means "full success" (peers shutdown alert has
        // now been received).
        if ((SSL_get_shutdown(m_ssl) & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN) == 0)
            ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;
    return (n > 0);

// Provides a homogeneous, and mostly quirks-free interface across the OpenSSL
// operations (handshake, read, write, shutdown).
// First of all, if the operation remains incomplete (neither successfully
// completed, nor failed), ssl_perform() will set `ec` to `std::system_error()`,
// `want` to something other than `Want::nothing`, and return zero. Note that
// read and write operations are partial in the sense that they do not need to
// read or write everything before completing successfully. They only need to
// read or write at least one byte to complete successfully.
// Such a situation will normally only happen when the underlying TCP socket is
// in nonblocking mode, and the read/write requirements of the operation could
// not be immediately accommodated. However, as is noted in the SSL_write() man
// page, it can also happen in blocking mode (at least while writing).
// If an error occurred, ssl_perform() will set `ec` to something other than
// `std::system_error()`, `want` to `Want::nothing`, and return 0.
// If no error occurred, and the operation completed (`!ec && want ==
// Want::nothing`), then the return value indicates the outcome of the
// operation.
// In general, a nonzero value means "full" success, and a zero value means
// "partial" success, however, a zero result can also generally mean "premature
// end of input" / "unclean protocol termination".
// Assuming there is no premature end of input, then for reads and writes, the
// returned value is the number of transferred bytes. Zero for read on end of
// input. Never zero for write. For handshake it is always 1. For shutdown it is
// 1 if the peer shutdown alert was already received, otherwise it is zero.
// ssl_read() should use `SSL_get_shutdown() & SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN` to
// distinguish between the two possible meanings of zero.
// ssl_shutdown() should use `SSL_get_shutdown() & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN` to
// distinguish between the two possible meanings of zero.
template <class Oper>
std::size_t Stream::ssl_perform(Oper oper, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    m_bio_error_code = std::error_code(); // Success
    int ret = oper();
    int ssl_error = SSL_get_error(m_ssl, ret);
    int sys_error = int(ERR_get_error());

    // Guaranteed by the documentation of SSL_get_error()
    REALM_ASSERT((ret > 0) == (ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_NONE));

    REALM_ASSERT(!m_bio_error_code || ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL);

    // Judging from various comments in the man pages, and from experience with
    // the API, it seems that,
    //   ret=0, ssl_error=SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, sys_error=0
    // is supposed to be an indicator of "premature end of input" / "unclean
    // protocol termination", while
    //   ret=0, ssl_error=SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN
    // is supposed to be an indicator of the following success conditions:
    //   - Mature end of input / clean protocol termination.
    //   - Successful transmission of the shutdown alert, but no prior reception
    //     of shutdown alert from peer.
    // Unfortunately, as is also remarked in various places in the man pages,
    // those two success conditions may actually result in `ret=0,
    // ssl_error=SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, sys_error=0` too, and it seems that they
    // almost always do.
    // This means that we cannot properly discriminate between these conditions
    // in ssl_perform(), and will have to defer to the caller to interpret the
    // situation. Since thay cannot be properly told apart, we report all
    // `ret=0, ssl_error=SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, sys_error=0` and `ret=0,
    // ssl_error=SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN` cases as the latter.
    switch (ssl_error) {
        case SSL_ERROR_NONE:
            ec = std::error_code(); // Success
            want = Want::nothing;
            return std::size_t(ret); // ret > 0
            ec = std::error_code(); // Success
            want = Want::nothing;
            return 0;
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
            ec = std::error_code(); // Success
            want = Want::read;
            return 0;
        case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
            ec = std::error_code(); // Success
            want = Want::write;
            return 0;
        case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
            if (REALM_UNLIKELY(sys_error != 0)) {
                ec = util::make_basic_system_error_code(sys_error);
            else if (REALM_UNLIKELY(m_bio_error_code)) {
                ec = m_bio_error_code;
            else if (ret == 0) {
                // ret = 0, ssl_eror = SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, sys_error = 0
                // See remarks above!
                ec = std::error_code(); // Success
            else {
                // ret = -1, ssl_eror = SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, sys_error = 0
                // This situation arises in OpenSSL version >= 1.1.
                // It has been observed in the SSL_connect call if the
                // other endpoint terminates the connection during
                // SSL_connect. The OpenSSL documentation states
                // that ret = -1 implies an underlying BIO error and
                // that errno should be consulted. However,
                // errno = 0(Undefined error) in the observed case.
                // At the moment. we will report
                // MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input.
                // If we see this error case occurring in other situations in
                // the future, we will have to update this case.
                ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;
            want = Want::nothing;
            return 0;
        case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
            ec = std::error_code(sys_error, openssl_error_category);
            want = Want::nothing;
            return 0;
    // We are not supposed to ever get here
    return 0;

inline int Stream::do_ssl_accept() noexcept
    int ret = SSL_accept(m_ssl);
    return ret;

inline int Stream::do_ssl_connect() noexcept
    int ret = SSL_connect(m_ssl);
    return ret;

inline int Stream::do_ssl_read(char* buffer, std::size_t size) noexcept
    int size_2 = int(size);
    if (size > unsigned(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
        size_2 = std::size_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
    int ret = SSL_read(m_ssl, buffer, size_2);
    return ret;

inline int Stream::do_ssl_write(const char* data, std::size_t size) noexcept
    int size_2 = int(size);
    if (size > unsigned(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
        size_2 = std::size_t(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
    int ret = SSL_write(m_ssl, data, size_2);
    return ret;

inline int Stream::do_ssl_shutdown() noexcept
    int ret = SSL_shutdown(m_ssl);
    return ret;


inline void Stream::set_mock_ssl_perform_error(std::unique_ptr<MockSSLError>&& error)
    if (!error)
        m_mock_ssl_perform_error = std::move(error);

// Structure for mocking the error returned by Oper called by ssl_perform()
// By default, this is a one-shot error that will be cleared after it is read,
// unless clear_after_access is set to false.
struct Stream::MockSSLError {
    using Operation = Stream::BlockingOperation;

    explicit MockSSLError(Operation op, int ssl_error, int bytes_processed, bool clear_after_access = true)
        : operation{op}
        , ssl_error{ssl_error}
        , sys_error{0}
        , bytes_processed{bytes_processed}
        , clear_after_access{clear_after_access}

    explicit MockSSLError(Operation op, int ssl_error, int sys_error, int bytes_processed,
                          bool clear_after_access = true)
        : operation{op}
        , ssl_error{ssl_error}
        , sys_error{sys_error}
        , bytes_processed{bytes_processed}
        , clear_after_access{clear_after_access}

    Operation operation;
    int ssl_error;
    int sys_error;
    int bytes_processed;
    bool clear_after_access;

// Provides a homogeneous, and mostly quirks-free interface across the SecureTransport
// operations (handshake, read, write, shutdown).
// First of all, if the operation remains incomplete (neither successfully
// completed, nor failed), ssl_perform() will set `ec` to `std::system_error()`,
// `want` to something other than `Want::nothing`, and return zero.
// If an error occurred, ssl_perform() will set `ec` to something other than
// `std::system_error()`, `want` to `Want::nothing`, and return 0. If the error
// is end_of_input, it is possible that the value returned is non-zero.
// If no error occurred, and the operation completed (`!ec && want ==
// Want::nothing`), then the return value indicates the outcome of the
// operation.
// In general, a nonzero value means "full" success, and a zero value means
// "partial" success, however, a zero result can also generally mean "premature
// end of input" / "unclean protocol termination".
// Assuming there is no premature end of input, then for reads and writes, the
// returned value is the number of transferred bytes. Zero for read on end of
// input. Never zero for write. For handshake it is always 1. For shutdown it is
// 1 if the peer shutdown alert was already received, otherwise it is zero.
template <class Oper>
std::size_t Stream::ssl_perform(Oper oper, std::error_code& ec, Want& want) noexcept
    OSStatus result;
    std::size_t n;

    // Use caution with MockSSLError, since errSSLWouldBlock will potentially perform
    // another read that may block
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(m_mock_ssl_perform_error)) {
        result = static_cast<OSStatus>(m_mock_ssl_perform_error->ssl_error);
        n = static_cast<std::size_t>(m_mock_ssl_perform_error->bytes_processed);
        if (m_mock_ssl_perform_error->clear_after_access)
    else {
        // Call the operation if there is no mock error set
        std::tie(result, n) = oper();

    Want blocking_want = [this]() {
        if (!m_last_operation)
            return Want::nothing;
        switch (*m_last_operation) {
            case BlockingOperation::read:
                return Want::read;
            case BlockingOperation::write:
                return Want::write;

    if (result == noErr) {
        ec = std::error_code();
        want = Want::nothing;
        return n;

    // Don't return an error, but keep reading if more data is needed
    if (result == errSSLWouldBlock) {
        REALM_ASSERT(blocking_want != Want::nothing);
        ec = std::error_code();
        want = blocking_want;
        return n;

    if (result == errSSLClosedGraceful) {
        ec = util::MiscExtErrors::end_of_input;
        want = Want::nothing;
        return n;

    // Always return 0 if an error (other than end_of_input) occurs
    if (result == errSSLClosedAbort || result == errSSLClosedNoNotify) {
        ec = util::MiscExtErrors::premature_end_of_input;
        want = Want::nothing;
        return 0;

    if (result == errSecIO) {
        // A generic I/O error means something went wrong at a lower level. Use the error
        // code we smuggled out of our lower-level functions to provide a more specific error.
        ec = m_last_error;
        want = Want::nothing;
        return 0;

    ec = std::error_code(result, secure_transport_error_category);
    want = Want::nothing;
    return 0;

} // namespace ssl
} // namespace realm::sync::network