bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / xros-arm64_x86_64-simulator / Headers / realm / array_with_find.hpp
yhornisse on 10 Sep 2023 41 KB Initial Commit
 * Copyright 2021 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

Searching: The main finding function is:
    template <class cond, Action action, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
    void find(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryState *state, Callback callback) const

    cond:       One of Equal, NotEqual, Greater, etc. classes
    Action:     One of act_ReturnFirst, act_FindAll, act_Max, act_CallbackIdx, etc, constants
    Callback:   Optional function to call for each search result. Will be called if action == act_CallbackIdx

    find() will call find_action_pattern() or find_action() that again calls match() for each search result which
    optionally calls callback():

        find() -> find_action() -------> bool match() -> bool callback()
             |                            ^
             +-> find_action_pattern()----+

    If callback() returns false, find() will exit, otherwise it will keep searching remaining items in array.


#include <realm/array.hpp>
#include <realm/query_conditions.hpp>

    MMX: mmintrin.h
    SSE: xmmintrin.h
    SSE2: emmintrin.h
    SSE3: pmmintrin.h
    SSSE3: tmmintrin.h
    SSE4A: ammintrin.h
    SSE4.1: smmintrin.h
    SSE4.2: nmmintrin.h
#include <emmintrin.h>             // SSE2
#include <realm/realm_nmmintrin.h> // SSE42

namespace realm {

template <class T>
inline T no0(T v)
    return v == 0 ? 1 : v;

class ArrayWithFind {
    ArrayWithFind(const Array& array) noexcept
        : m_array(array)

    // Main finding function - used for find_first, find_all, sum, max, min, etc.
    bool find(int cond, int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state) const;

    template <class cond, class Callback>
    bool find(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
              Callback callback) const;

    void find_all(IntegerColumn* result, int64_t value, size_t col_offset = 0, size_t begin = 0,
                  size_t end = size_t(-1)) const;

    // Non-SSE find for the four functions Equal/NotEqual/Less/Greater
    template <class cond, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
    bool compare(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                 Callback callback) const;

    // Non-SSE find for Equal/NotEqual
    template <bool eq, size_t width, class Callback>
    inline bool compare_equality(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                                 Callback callback) const;

    // Non-SSE find for Less/Greater
    template <bool gt, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
    bool compare_relation(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                          Callback callback) const;

    template <class cond, size_t foreign_width, class Callback, size_t width>
    bool compare_leafs_4(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                         Callback callback) const;

    template <class cond, class Callback>
    bool compare_leafs(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                       Callback callback) const;

    template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
    bool compare_leafs(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                       Callback callback) const;

// SSE find for the four functions Equal/NotEqual/Less/Greater
    template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
    bool find_sse(int64_t value, __m128i* data, size_t items, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex,
                  Callback callback) const;

    template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
    REALM_FORCEINLINE bool find_sse_intern(__m128i* action_data, __m128i* data, size_t items, QueryStateBase* state,
                                           size_t baseindex, Callback callback) const;


    template <size_t width>
    inline bool test_zero(uint64_t value) const; // Tests value for 0-elements

    template <bool eq, size_t width>
    size_t find_zero(uint64_t v) const; // Finds position of 0/non-zero element

    template <size_t width, bool zero>
    uint64_t cascade(uint64_t a) const; // Sets lowermost bits of zero or non-zero elements

    template <bool gt, size_t width>
    find_gtlt_magic(int64_t v) const; // Compute magic constant needed for searching for value 'v' using bit hacks

    template <size_t width>
    inline int64_t lower_bits() const; // Return chunk with lower bit set in each element

    size_t first_set_bit(uint32_t v) const;
    size_t first_set_bit64(int64_t v) const;

    // Find value greater/less in 64-bit chunk - only works for positive values
    template <bool gt, size_t width, class Callback>
    bool find_gtlt_fast(uint64_t chunk, uint64_t magic, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex,
                        Callback callback) const;

    // Find value greater/less in 64-bit chunk - no constraints
    template <bool gt, size_t width, class Callback>
    bool find_gtlt(int64_t v, uint64_t chunk, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex, Callback callback) const;
    // Optimized implementation for release mode
    template <class cond, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
    bool find_optimized(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                        Callback callback) const;
    // Called for each search result
    template <class Callback>
    bool find_action(size_t index, util::Optional<int64_t> value, QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const;

    const Array& m_array;

    bool find_action_pattern(size_t index, uint64_t pattern, QueryStateBase* state) const;
    template <size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
    bool find_all_will_match(size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                             Callback callback) const;
// Finding code                                                                       *

find() (calls find_optimized()) may call find_action for each search result.

'index' tells the row index of a single match and 'value' tells its value. Return false to make Array-finder break
its search or return true to let it continue until 'end' or 'limit'.
template <class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find_action(size_t index, util::Optional<int64_t>, QueryStateBase*, Callback callback) const
    return callback(index);

// This function is used when there is no callback. Here we will just perform the action implemented in 'state'.
template <>
inline bool ArrayWithFind::find_action<std::nullptr_t>(size_t index, util::Optional<int64_t> value,
                                                       QueryStateBase* state, std::nullptr_t) const
    return state->match(index, value);

find() (calls find_optimized()) may call find_action_pattern before calling find_action.

'indexpattern' contains a 64-bit chunk of elements, each of 'width' bits in size where each element indicates a
match if its lower bit is set, otherwise it indicates a non-match. 'index' tells the database row index of the
first element. You must return true if you chose to 'consume' the chunk or false if not. If not, then Array-finder
will afterwards call match() successive times with pattern == false.

Array-finder decides itself if - and when - it wants to pass you an indexpattern. It depends on array bit width, match
frequency, and whether the arithemetic and computations for the given search criteria makes it feasible to construct
such a pattern.
inline bool ArrayWithFind::find_action_pattern(size_t /*index*/, uint64_t /*pattern*/, QueryStateBase* /*st*/) const
    // return st->match_pattern(index, pattern); FIXME: Use for act_Count
    return false;

template <size_t width, bool zero>
uint64_t ArrayWithFind::cascade(uint64_t a) const
    // Takes a chunk of values as argument and sets the least significant bit for each
    // element which is zero or non-zero, depending on the template parameter.
    // Example for zero=true:
    // width == 4 and a = 0x5fd07a107610f610
    // will return:       0x0001000100010001

    // static values needed for fast population count
    const uint64_t m1 = 0x5555555555555555ULL;

    if (width == 1) {
        return zero ? ~a : a;
    else if (width == 2) {
        // Masks to avoid spillover between segments in cascades
        const uint64_t c1 = ~0ULL / 0x3 * 0x1;

        a |= (a >> 1) & c1; // cascade ones in non-zeroed segments
        a &= m1;            // isolate single bit in each segment
        if (zero)
            a ^= m1; // reverse isolated bits if checking for zeroed segments

        return a;
    else if (width == 4) {
        const uint64_t m = ~0ULL / 0xF * 0x1;

        // Masks to avoid spillover between segments in cascades
        const uint64_t c1 = ~0ULL / 0xF * 0x7;
        const uint64_t c2 = ~0ULL / 0xF * 0x3;

        a |= (a >> 1) & c1; // cascade ones in non-zeroed segments
        a |= (a >> 2) & c2;
        a &= m; // isolate single bit in each segment
        if (zero)
            a ^= m; // reverse isolated bits if checking for zeroed segments

        return a;
    else if (width == 8) {
        const uint64_t m = ~0ULL / 0xFF * 0x1;

        // Masks to avoid spillover between segments in cascades
        const uint64_t c1 = ~0ULL / 0xFF * 0x7F;
        const uint64_t c2 = ~0ULL / 0xFF * 0x3F;
        const uint64_t c3 = ~0ULL / 0xFF * 0x0F;

        a |= (a >> 1) & c1; // cascade ones in non-zeroed segments
        a |= (a >> 2) & c2;
        a |= (a >> 4) & c3;
        a &= m; // isolate single bit in each segment
        if (zero)
            a ^= m; // reverse isolated bits if checking for zeroed segments

        return a;
    else if (width == 16) {
        const uint64_t m = ~0ULL / 0xFFFF * 0x1;

        // Masks to avoid spillover between segments in cascades
        const uint64_t c1 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFF * 0x7FFF;
        const uint64_t c2 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFF * 0x3FFF;
        const uint64_t c3 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFF * 0x0FFF;
        const uint64_t c4 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFF * 0x00FF;

        a |= (a >> 1) & c1; // cascade ones in non-zeroed segments
        a |= (a >> 2) & c2;
        a |= (a >> 4) & c3;
        a |= (a >> 8) & c4;
        a &= m; // isolate single bit in each segment
        if (zero)
            a ^= m; // reverse isolated bits if checking for zeroed segments

        return a;

    else if (width == 32) {
        const uint64_t m = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x1;

        // Masks to avoid spillover between segments in cascades
        const uint64_t c1 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x7FFFFFFF;
        const uint64_t c2 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x3FFFFFFF;
        const uint64_t c3 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x0FFFFFFF;
        const uint64_t c4 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x00FFFFFF;
        const uint64_t c5 = ~0ULL / 0xFFFFFFFF * 0x0000FFFF;

        a |= (a >> 1) & c1; // cascade ones in non-zeroed segments
        a |= (a >> 2) & c2;
        a |= (a >> 4) & c3;
        a |= (a >> 8) & c4;
        a |= (a >> 16) & c5;
        a &= m; // isolate single bit in each segment
        if (zero)
            a ^= m; // reverse isolated bits if checking for zeroed segments

        return a;
    else if (width == 64) {
        return (a == 0) == zero;
    else {
        return uint64_t(-1);

template <size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
REALM_NOINLINE bool ArrayWithFind::find_all_will_match(size_t start2, size_t end, size_t baseindex,
                                                       QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const
    size_t end2;

    if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<Callback, std::nullptr_t>)
        end2 = end;
    else {
        REALM_ASSERT_DEBUG(state->match_count() < state->limit());
        size_t process = state->limit() - state->match_count();
        end2 = end - start2 > process ? start2 + process : end;
    for (; start2 < end2; start2++)
        if (!find_action(start2 + baseindex, m_array.get<bitwidth>(start2), state, callback))
            return false;
    return true;

// This is the main finding function for Array. Other finding functions are just wrappers around this one.
// Search for 'value' using condition cond (Equal, NotEqual, Less, etc) and call find_action() or
// find_action_pattern() for each match. Break and return if find_action() returns false or 'end' is reached.
template <class cond, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find_optimized(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                                   Callback callback) const
    REALM_ASSERT_DEBUG(start <= m_array.m_size && (end <= m_array.m_size || end == size_t(-1)) && start <= end);

    size_t start2 = start;
    cond c;

    if (end == npos)
        end = m_array.m_size;

    if (!(m_array.m_size > start2 && start2 < end))
        return true;

    constexpr int64_t lbound = Array::lbound_for_width(bitwidth);
    constexpr int64_t ubound = Array::ubound_for_width(bitwidth);

    // Return immediately if no items in array can match (such as if cond == Greater && value == 100 &&
    // m_ubound == 15)
    if (!c.can_match(value, lbound, ubound))
        return true;

    // optimization if all items are guaranteed to match (such as cond == NotEqual && value == 100 && m_ubound == 15)
    if (c.will_match(value, lbound, ubound)) {
        return find_all_will_match<bitwidth, Callback>(start2, end, baseindex, state, callback);

    // finder cannot handle this bitwidth
    REALM_ASSERT_3(m_array.m_width, !=, 0);

    // Only use SSE if payload is at least one SSE chunk (128 bits) in size. Also note taht SSE doesn't support
    // Less-than comparison for 64-bit values.
    if ((!(std::is_same<cond, Less>::value && m_array.m_width == 64)) && end - start2 >= sizeof(__m128i) &&
        m_array.m_width >= 8 &&
        (sseavx<42>() || (sseavx<30>() && std::is_same<cond, Equal>::value && m_array.m_width < 64))) {

        // find_sse() must start2 at 16-byte boundary, so search area before that using compare_equality()
        __m128i* const a =
            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(round_up(m_array.m_data + start2 * bitwidth / 8, sizeof(__m128i)));
        __m128i* const b =
            reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(round_down(m_array.m_data + end * bitwidth / 8, sizeof(__m128i)));

        if (!compare<cond, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start2,
                                               (reinterpret_cast<char*>(a) - m_array.m_data) * 8 / no0(bitwidth),
                                               baseindex, state, callback))
            return false;

        // Search aligned area with SSE
        if (b > a) {
            if (sseavx<42>()) {
                if (!find_sse<cond, bitwidth, Callback>(
                        value, a, b - a, state,
                        baseindex + ((reinterpret_cast<char*>(a) - m_array.m_data) * 8 / no0(bitwidth)), callback))
                    return false;
            else if (sseavx<30>()) {

                if (!find_sse<Equal, bitwidth, Callback>(
                        value, a, b - a, state,
                        baseindex + ((reinterpret_cast<char*>(a) - m_array.m_data) * 8 / no0(bitwidth)), callback))
                    return false;

        // Search remainder with compare_equality()
        if (!compare<cond, bitwidth, Callback>(value,
                                               (reinterpret_cast<char*>(b) - m_array.m_data) * 8 / no0(bitwidth), end,
                                               baseindex, state, callback))
            return false;

        return true;
    else {
        return compare<cond, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start2, end, baseindex, state, callback);
    return compare<cond, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start2, end, baseindex, state, callback);

template <size_t width>
inline int64_t ArrayWithFind::lower_bits() const
    if (width == 1)
    else if (width == 2)
        return 0x5555555555555555ULL;
    else if (width == 4)
        return 0x1111111111111111ULL;
    else if (width == 8)
        return 0x0101010101010101ULL;
    else if (width == 16)
        return 0x0001000100010001ULL;
    else if (width == 32)
        return 0x0000000100000001ULL;
    else if (width == 64)
        return 0x0000000000000001ULL;
    else {
        return int64_t(-1);

// Tests if any chunk in 'value' is 0
template <size_t width>
inline bool ArrayWithFind::test_zero(uint64_t value) const
    uint64_t hasZeroByte;
    uint64_t lower = lower_bits<width>();
    uint64_t upper = lower_bits<width>() * 1ULL << (width == 0 ? 0 : (width - 1ULL));
    hasZeroByte = (value - lower) & ~value & upper;
    return hasZeroByte != 0;

// Finds first zero (if eq == true) or non-zero (if eq == false) element in v and returns its position.
// IMPORTANT: This function assumes that at least 1 item matches (test this with test_zero() or other means first)!
template <bool eq, size_t width>
size_t ArrayWithFind::find_zero(uint64_t v) const
    size_t start = 0;
    uint64_t hasZeroByte;
    // Warning free way of computing (1ULL << width) - 1
    uint64_t mask = (width == 64 ? ~0ULL : ((1ULL << (width == 64 ? 0 : width)) - 1ULL));

    if (eq == (((v >> (width * start)) & mask) == 0)) {
        return 0;

    // Bisection optimization, speeds up small bitwidths with high match frequency. More partions than 2 do NOT pay
    // off because the work done by test_zero() is wasted for the cases where the value exists in first half, but
    // useful if it exists in last half. Sweet spot turns out to be the widths and partitions below.
    if (width <= 8) {
        hasZeroByte = test_zero<width>(v | 0xffffffff00000000ULL);
        if (eq ? !hasZeroByte : (v & 0x00000000ffffffffULL) == 0) {
            // 00?? -> increasing
            start += 64 / no0(width) / 2;
            if (width <= 4) {
                hasZeroByte = test_zero<width>(v | 0xffff000000000000ULL);
                if (eq ? !hasZeroByte : (v & 0x0000ffffffffffffULL) == 0) {
                    // 000?
                    start += 64 / no0(width) / 4;
        else {
            if (width <= 4) {
                // ??00
                hasZeroByte = test_zero<width>(v | 0xffffffffffff0000ULL);
                if (eq ? !hasZeroByte : (v & 0x000000000000ffffULL) == 0) {
                    // 0?00
                    start += 64 / no0(width) / 4;

    while (eq == (((v >> (width * start)) & mask) != 0)) {
        // You must only call find_zero() if you are sure that at least 1 item matches
        REALM_ASSERT_3(start, <=, 8 * sizeof(v));

    return start;

// Generate a magic constant used for later bithacks
template <bool gt, size_t width>
int64_t ArrayWithFind::find_gtlt_magic(int64_t v) const
    uint64_t mask1 =
        (width == 64
             ? ~0ULL
             : ((1ULL << (width == 64 ? 0 : width)) - 1ULL)); // Warning free way of computing (1ULL << width) - 1
    uint64_t mask2 = mask1 >> 1;
    uint64_t magic = gt ? (~0ULL / no0(mask1) * (mask2 - v)) : (~0ULL / no0(mask1) * v);
    return magic;

template <bool gt, size_t width, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find_gtlt_fast(uint64_t chunk, uint64_t magic, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex,
                                   Callback callback) const
    // Tests if a a chunk of values contains values that are greater (if gt == true) or less (if gt == false) than v.
    // Fast, but limited to work when all values in the chunk are positive.

    uint64_t mask1 =
        (width == 64
             ? ~0ULL
             : ((1ULL << (width == 64 ? 0 : width)) - 1ULL)); // Warning free way of computing (1ULL << width) - 1
    uint64_t mask2 = mask1 >> 1;
    uint64_t m = gt ? (((chunk + magic) | chunk) & ~0ULL / no0(mask1) * (mask2 + 1))
                    : ((chunk - magic) & ~chunk & ~0ULL / no0(mask1) * (mask2 + 1));
    size_t p = 0;
    while (m) {
        if (find_action_pattern(baseindex, m >> (no0(width) - 1), state))
            break; // consumed, so do not call find_action()

        size_t t = first_set_bit64(m) / no0(width);
        p += t;
        if (!find_action(p + baseindex, (chunk >> (p * width)) & mask1, state, callback))
            return false;

        if ((t + 1) * width == 64)
            m = 0;
            m >>= (t + 1) * width;

    return true;

// clang-format off
template <bool gt, size_t width, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find_gtlt(int64_t v, uint64_t chunk, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex, Callback callback) const
    // Find items in 'chunk' that are greater (if gt == true) or smaller (if gt == false) than 'v'. Fixme, __forceinline can make it crash in vS2010 - find out why
    if constexpr (width == 1) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(chunk & 0x1);
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 1;
    else if constexpr (width == 2) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(chunk & 0x3);
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 2;
    else if constexpr (width == 4) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(chunk & 0xf);
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 4;
    else if constexpr (width == 8) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<int8_t>(chunk & 0xff));
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 8;
    else if constexpr (width == 16) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<int16_t>(chunk & 0xffff));
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 16;
    else if constexpr (width == 32) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(static_cast<int32_t>(chunk & 0xffffffff));
            if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
                if (!find_action(i + baseindex, v2, state, callback)) {
                    return false;
            chunk >>= 32;
    else if constexpr (width == 64) {
        int64_t v2 = static_cast<int64_t>(chunk);
        if (gt ? v2 > v : v2 < v) {
            return find_action(baseindex, v2, state, callback);

    return true;
// clang-format on

/// Find items in this Array that are equal (eq == true) or different (eq = false) from 'value'
template <bool eq, size_t width, class Callback>
inline bool ArrayWithFind::compare_equality(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex,
                                            QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const
    REALM_ASSERT_DEBUG(start <= m_array.m_size && (end <= m_array.m_size || end == size_t(-1)) && start <= end);

    size_t ee = round_up(start, 64 / no0(width));
    ee = ee > end ? end : ee;
    for (; start < ee; ++start)
        if (eq ? (m_array.get<width>(start) == value) : (m_array.get<width>(start) != value)) {
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, m_array.get<width>(start), state, callback))
                return false;

    if (start >= end)
        return true;

    if (width != 32 && width != 64) {
        const int64_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(m_array.m_data + (start * width / 8));
        const int64_t* const e = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data + (end * width / 8)) - 1;
        const uint64_t mask =
            (width == 64
                 ? ~0ULL
                 : ((1ULL << (width == 64 ? 0 : width)) - 1ULL)); // Warning free way of computing (1ULL << width) - 1
        const uint64_t valuemask =
            ~0ULL / no0(mask) * (value & mask); // the "== ? :" is to avoid division by 0 compiler error

        while (p < e) {
            uint64_t chunk = *p;
            uint64_t v2 = chunk ^ valuemask;
            start = (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(width);
            size_t a = 0;

            while (eq ? test_zero<width>(v2) : v2) {

                if (find_action_pattern(start + baseindex, cascade<width, eq>(v2), state))
                    break; // consumed

                size_t t = find_zero<eq, width>(v2);
                a += t;

                if (a >= 64 / no0(width))

                if (!find_action(a + start + baseindex, m_array.get<width>(start + a), state, callback))
                    return false;
                auto shift = (t + 1) * width;
                if (shift < 64)
                    v2 >>= shift;
                    v2 = 0;
                a += 1;


        // Loop ended because we are near end or end of array. No need to optimize search in remainder in this case
        // because end of array means that
        // lots of search work has taken place prior to ending here. So time spent searching remainder is relatively
        // tiny
        start = (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(width);

    while (start < end) {
        if (eq ? m_array.get<width>(start) == value : m_array.get<width>(start) != value) {
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, m_array.get<width>(start), state, callback))
                return false;

    return true;

// There exists a couple of find() functions that take more or less template arguments. Always call the one that
// takes as most as possible to get best performance.

template <class cond, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                         Callback callback) const
    REALM_TEMPEX3(return find_optimized, cond, m_array.m_width, Callback,
                         (value, start, end, baseindex, state, callback));

// 'items' is the number of 16-byte SSE chunks. Returns index of packed element relative to first integer of first
// chunk
template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::find_sse(int64_t value, __m128i* data, size_t items, QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex,
                             Callback callback) const
    __m128i search = {0};

    if (width == 8)
        search = _mm_set1_epi8(static_cast<char>(value));
    else if (width == 16)
        search = _mm_set1_epi16(static_cast<short int>(value));
    else if (width == 32)
        search = _mm_set1_epi32(static_cast<int>(value));
    else if (width == 64) {
        if (std::is_same<cond, Less>::value)
            search = _mm_set_epi64x(value, value);

    return find_sse_intern<cond, width, Callback>(data, &search, items, state, baseindex, callback);

// Compares packed action_data with packed data (equal, less, etc) and performs aggregate action (max, min, sum,
// find_all, etc) on value inside action_data for first match, if any
template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
REALM_FORCEINLINE bool ArrayWithFind::find_sse_intern(__m128i* action_data, __m128i* data, size_t items,
                                                      QueryStateBase* state, size_t baseindex,
                                                      Callback callback) const
    size_t i = 0;
    __m128i compare_result = {0};
    unsigned int resmask;

    // Search loop. Unrolling it has been tested to NOT increase performance (apparently mem bound)
    for (i = 0; i < items; ++i) {
        // equal / not-equal
        if (std::is_same<cond, Equal>::value || std::is_same<cond, NotEqual>::value) {
            if (width == 8)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 16)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 32)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 64) {
                compare_result = _mm_cmpeq_epi64(action_data[i], *data); // SSE 4.2 only

        // greater
        else if (std::is_same<cond, Greater>::value) {
            if (width == 8)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpgt_epi8(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 16)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 32)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(action_data[i], *data);
            if (width == 64)
                compare_result = _mm_cmpgt_epi64(action_data[i], *data);
        // less
        else if (std::is_same<cond, Less>::value) {
            if (width == 8)
                compare_result = _mm_cmplt_epi8(action_data[i], *data);
            else if (width == 16)
                compare_result = _mm_cmplt_epi16(action_data[i], *data);
            else if (width == 32)
                compare_result = _mm_cmplt_epi32(action_data[i], *data);

        resmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(compare_result);

        if (std::is_same<cond, NotEqual>::value)
            resmask = ~resmask & 0x0000ffff;

        size_t s = i * sizeof(__m128i) * 8 / no0(width);

        while (resmask != 0) {
            uint64_t upper = lower_bits<width / 8>() << (no0(width / 8) - 1);
            uint64_t pattern =
                resmask &
                upper; // fixme, bits at wrong offsets. Only OK because we only use them in 'count' aggregate
            if (find_action_pattern(s + baseindex, pattern, state))

            size_t idx = first_set_bit(resmask) * 8 / no0(width);
            s += idx;
            if (!find_action(s + baseindex, m_array.get_universal<width>(reinterpret_cast<char*>(action_data), s),
                             state, callback))
                return false;
            resmask >>= (idx + 1) * no0(width) / 8;

    return true;

template <class cond, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::compare_leafs(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex,
                                  QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const
    cond c;
    REALM_ASSERT_3(start, <=, end);
    if (start == end)
        return true;

    int64_t v;

    // We can compare first element without checking for out-of-range
    v = m_array.get(start);
    if (c(v, foreign->get(start))) {
        if (!find_action(start + baseindex, v, state, callback))
            return false;


    if (start + 3 < end) {
        v = m_array.get(start);
        if (c(v, foreign->get(start)))
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, v, state, callback))
                return false;

        v = m_array.get(start + 1);
        if (c(v, foreign->get(start + 1)))
            if (!find_action(start + 1 + baseindex, v, state, callback))
                return false;

        v = m_array.get(start + 2);
        if (c(v, foreign->get(start + 2)))
            if (!find_action(start + 2 + baseindex, v, state, callback))
                return false;

        start += 3;
    else if (start == end) {
        return true;

    bool r;
    REALM_TEMPEX3(r = compare_leafs, cond, m_array.m_width, Callback,
                  (foreign, start, end, baseindex, state, callback))
    return r;

template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::compare_leafs(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex,
                                  QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const
    size_t fw = foreign->m_width;
    bool r;
    REALM_TEMPEX4(r = compare_leafs_4, cond, width, Callback, fw, (foreign, start, end, baseindex, state, callback))
    return r;

template <class cond, size_t width, class Callback, size_t foreign_width>
bool ArrayWithFind::compare_leafs_4(const Array* foreign, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex,
                                    QueryStateBase* state, Callback callback) const
    cond c;
    char* foreign_m_data = foreign->m_data;

    if (width == 0 && foreign_width == 0) {
        if (c(0, 0)) {
            while (start < end) {
                if (!find_action(start + baseindex, 0, state, callback))
                    return false;
        else {
            return true;

    if (sseavx<42>() && width == foreign_width && (width == 8 || width == 16 || width == 32)) {
        // We can only use SSE if both bitwidths are equal and above 8 bits and all values are signed
        // and the two arrays are aligned the same way
        if ((reinterpret_cast<size_t>(m_array.m_data) & 0xf) == (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(foreign_m_data) & 0xf)) {
            while (start < end &&
                   (((reinterpret_cast<size_t>(m_array.m_data) & 0xf) * 8 + start * width) % (128) != 0)) {
                int64_t v = m_array.get_universal<width>(m_array.m_data, start);
                int64_t fv = m_array.get_universal<foreign_width>(foreign_m_data, start);
                if (c(v, fv)) {
                    if (!find_action(start + baseindex, v, state, callback))
                        return false;
            if (start == end)
                return true;

            size_t sse_items = (end - start) * width / 128;
            size_t sse_end = start + sse_items * 128 / no0(width);

            while (start < sse_end) {
                __m128i* a = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(m_array.m_data + start * width / 8);
                __m128i* b = reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(foreign_m_data + start * width / 8);

                bool continue_search =
                    find_sse_intern<cond, width, Callback>(a, b, 1, state, baseindex + start, callback);

                if (!continue_search)
                    return false;

                start += 128 / no0(width);

    while (start < end) {
        int64_t v = m_array.get_universal<width>(m_array.m_data, start);
        int64_t fv = m_array.get_universal<foreign_width>(foreign_m_data, start);

        if (c(v, fv)) {
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, v, state, callback))
                return false;


    return true;

template <class cond, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::compare(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                            Callback callback) const
    bool ret = false;

    if (std::is_same<cond, Equal>::value)
        ret = compare_equality<true, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start, end, baseindex, state, callback);
    else if (std::is_same<cond, NotEqual>::value)
        ret = compare_equality<false, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start, end, baseindex, state, callback);
    else if (std::is_same<cond, Greater>::value)
        ret = compare_relation<true, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start, end, baseindex, state, callback);
    else if (std::is_same<cond, Less>::value)
        ret = compare_relation<false, bitwidth, Callback>(value, start, end, baseindex, state, callback);

    return ret;

template <bool gt, size_t bitwidth, class Callback>
bool ArrayWithFind::compare_relation(int64_t value, size_t start, size_t end, size_t baseindex, QueryStateBase* state,
                                     Callback callback) const
    REALM_ASSERT(start <= m_array.m_size && (end <= m_array.m_size || end == size_t(-1)) && start <= end);
    uint64_t mask = (bitwidth == 64 ? ~0ULL
                                    : ((1ULL << (bitwidth == 64 ? 0 : bitwidth)) -
                                       1ULL)); // Warning free way of computing (1ULL << width) - 1

    size_t ee = round_up(start, 64 / no0(bitwidth));
    ee = ee > end ? end : ee;
    for (; start < ee; start++) {
        if (gt ? (m_array.get<bitwidth>(start) > value) : (m_array.get<bitwidth>(start) < value)) {
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, m_array.get<bitwidth>(start), state, callback))
                return false;

    if (start >= end)
        return true; // none found, continue (return true) regardless what find_action() would have returned on match

    const int64_t* p = reinterpret_cast<const int64_t*>(m_array.m_data + (start * bitwidth / 8));
    const int64_t* const e = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data + (end * bitwidth / 8)) - 1;

    // Matches are rare enough to setup fast linear search for remaining items. We use
    // bit hacks from

    if (bitwidth == 1 || bitwidth == 2 || bitwidth == 4 || bitwidth == 8 || bitwidth == 16) {
        uint64_t magic = find_gtlt_magic<gt, bitwidth>(value);

        // Bit hacks only work if searched item has its most significant bit clear for 'greater than' or
        // 'item <= 1 << bitwidth' for 'less than'
        if (value != int64_t((magic & mask)) && value >= 0 && bitwidth >= 2 &&
            value <= static_cast<int64_t>((mask >> 1) - (gt ? 1 : 0))) {
            // 15 ms
            while (p < e) {
                uint64_t upper = lower_bits<bitwidth>() << (no0(bitwidth) - 1);

                const int64_t v = *p;
                size_t idx;

                // Bit hacks only works if all items in chunk have their most significant bit clear. Test this:
                upper = upper & v;

                if (!upper) {
                    idx = find_gtlt_fast<gt, bitwidth, Callback>(
                        v, magic, state,
                        (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(bitwidth) + baseindex,
                    idx = find_gtlt<gt, bitwidth, Callback>(
                        value, v, state,
                        (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(bitwidth) + baseindex,

                if (!idx)
                    return false;
        else {
            // 24 ms
            while (p < e) {
                int64_t v = *p;
                if (!find_gtlt<gt, bitwidth, Callback>(
                        value, v, state,
                        (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(bitwidth) + baseindex,
                    return false;
        start = (p - reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(m_array.m_data)) * 8 * 8 / no0(bitwidth);

    // matchcount logic in SIMD no longer pays off for 32/64 bit ints because we have just 4/2 elements

    // Test unaligned end and/or values of width > 16 manually
    while (start < end) {
        if (gt ? m_array.get<bitwidth>(start) > value : m_array.get<bitwidth>(start) < value) {
            if (!find_action(start + baseindex, m_array.get<bitwidth>(start), state, callback))
                return false;
    return true;

// Finding code ends                                                                  *

} // namespace realm