bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst / Headers / realm / object-store / impl / collection_notifier.hpp
// Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <realm/object-store/impl/deep_change_checker.hpp>

#include <realm/util/assert.hpp>
#include <realm/util/checked_mutex.hpp>
#include <realm/util/functional.hpp>
#include <realm/version_id.hpp>
#include <realm/table_ref.hpp>

#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_set>

namespace realm::_impl {

// A `NotificationCallback` is added to a collection when observing it.
// It contains all information necessary in case we need to notify about changes
// to this collection.
struct NotificationCallback {
    // The callback function being invoked when we notify for changes in this collection.
    CollectionChangeCallback fn;
    // The pending changes accumulated on the worker thread. This field is
    // guarded by m_callback_mutex and is written to on the worker thread,
    // then read from on the target thread.
    CollectionChangeBuilder accumulated_changes;
    // The changeset which will actually be passed to `fn`. This field is
    // not guarded by a lock and can only be accessed on the notifier's
    // target thread.
    CollectionChangeBuilder changes_to_deliver;
    // The filter that this `NotificationCallback` is restricted to.
    // if std::nullopt, then no restriction is enforced.
    // if empty, then modifications to objects within the collection won't fire notifications.
    // If not empty, modifications of elements not part of the `key_path_array`
    // will not invoke a notification.
    std::optional<KeyPathArray> key_path_array = std::nullopt;
    // A unique-per-notifier identifier used to unregister the callback.
    uint64_t token = 0;
    // We normally want to skip calling the callback if there's no changes,
    // but only if we've sent the initial notification (to support the
    // async query use-case). Not guarded by a mutex and is only readable
    // on the target thread.
    bool initial_delivered = false;
    // Set within a write transaction on the target thread if this callback
    // should not be called with changes for that write. requires m_callback_mutex.
    bool skip_next = false;

// A base class for a notifier that keeps a collection up to date and/or
// generates detailed change notifications on a background thread. This manages
// most of the lifetime-management issues related to sharing an object between
// the worker thread and the collection on the target thread, along with the
// thread-safe callback collection.
class CollectionNotifier {
    virtual ~CollectionNotifier();

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Public API for the collections using this to get notifications:

    // Stop receiving notifications from this background worker
    // This must be called in the destructor of the collection
    void unregister() noexcept;

     * Add a callback to be called each time the collection changes.
     * This can only be called from the target collection's thread.
     * @param callback The `CollectionChangeCallback` that will be executed when a change happens.
     * @param key_path_array An array of all key paths that should be filtered for. If a changed
     *                       table/column combination is not part of the `key_path_array`, no
     *                       notification will be sent.
     * @return A token which can be passed to `remove_callback()`.
    uint64_t add_callback(CollectionChangeCallback callback, std::optional<KeyPathArray> key_path_array)

     * Remove a previously added token.
     * The token is no longer valid after calling this function and must not be used again.
     * This function can be called from any thread.
     * @param token The token that was genereted and returned from `add_callback` is used in this function
     *              to identify the callback that is supposed to be removed.
    void remove_callback(uint64_t token) REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    void suppress_next_notification(uint64_t token) REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // API for RealmCoordinator to manage running things and calling callbacks

    bool is_for_realm(Realm&) const noexcept;
    Realm* get_realm() const noexcept
        return m_realm.get();

    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    VersionID version() const noexcept;

    // Release references to all core types
    // This is called on the worker thread to ensure that non-thread-safe things
    // can be destroyed on the correct thread, even if the last reference to the
    // CollectionNotifier is released on a different thread
    virtual void release_data() noexcept;

    // Prepare to deliver the new collection and call callbacks.
    // Returns whether or not it has anything to deliver.
    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    bool package_for_delivery() REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    // Call each of the given callbacks with the changesets prepared by package_for_delivery()
    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is unlocked
    void before_advance() REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);
    void after_advance() REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    bool is_alive() const noexcept;

    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked *or* is called on worker thread
    bool has_run() const noexcept
        return m_has_run;

    // Detach from the source Realm's transaction and attach to either an existing
    // transaction from another notifier (if any are the correct version) or a
    // new one.
    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    void set_initial_transaction(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionNotifier>>& other_notifiers);

    // Discard the notifier's Transaction and move the local data over to the
    // given Transaction. Must be called before the notifier is ever run.
    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    void attach_to(std::shared_ptr<Transaction> transaction);

    // Set `info` as the new ChangeInfo that will be populated by the next
    // transaction advance, and register all required information in it
    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    void add_required_change_info(TransactionChangeInfo& info);

    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is unlocked
    virtual void run() = 0;

    // precondition: RealmCoordinator::m_notifier_mutex is locked
    void prepare_handover() REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    template <typename T>
    class Handle;

    bool have_callbacks() const noexcept
        return m_have_callbacks;

    Transaction& transaction() const noexcept
        return *m_transaction;

    void add_changes(CollectionChangeBuilder change) REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock_target();
    Transaction& source_shared_group();
    // signal that the underlying source object of the collection has been deleted
    // but only report this to the notifiers the first time this is reported
    void report_collection_root_is_deleted();

    bool any_related_table_was_modified(TransactionChangeInfo const&) const noexcept;

    // Creates and returns a `DeepChangeChecker` or `KeyPathChecker` depending on the given KeyPathArray.
    util::UniqueFunction<bool(ObjKey)> get_modification_checker(TransactionChangeInfo const&, ConstTableRef)

    // Creates and returns a `ObjectKeyPathChangeChecker` which behaves slightly different that `DeepChangeChecker`
    // and `KeyPathChecker` which are used for `Collection`s.
    util::UniqueFunction<std::vector<ColKey>(ObjKey)> get_object_modification_checker(TransactionChangeInfo const&,

    // Checks `KeyPathArray` filters on all `m_callbacks` and returns true if at least one key path
    // filter is attached to each of them.
    bool any_callbacks_filtered() const noexcept;
    // Checks `KeyPathArray` filters on all `m_callbacks` and returns true if at least one key path
    // filter is attached to all of them.
    bool all_callbacks_filtered() const noexcept;

    void update_related_tables(Table const& table) REQUIRES(m_callback_mutex);

    // The actual change, calculated in run() and delivered in prepare_handover()
    CollectionChangeBuilder m_change;

    // Due to the keypath filtered notifications we need to update the related tables every time the callbacks do see
    // a change since the list of related tables is filtered by the key paths used for the notifications.
    bool m_did_modify_callbacks = true;

    // Currently registered callbacks and a mutex which must always be held
    // while doing anything with them or m_callback_index
    util::CheckedMutex m_callback_mutex;

    virtual void reattach() = 0;
    virtual void do_prepare_handover(Transaction&) {}
    virtual bool do_add_required_change_info(TransactionChangeInfo&) = 0;
    virtual bool prepare_to_deliver()
        return true;
    // Iterate over m_callbacks and call the given function on each one. This
    // does fancy locking things to allow fn to drop the lock before invoking
    // the callback (which must be done to avoid deadlocks).
    template <typename Fn>
    void for_each_callback(Fn&& fn) REQUIRES(!m_callback_mutex);

    // Update `m_key_path_array` after callbacks have been added or removed
    void recalculate_key_path_array() REQUIRES(m_callback_mutex);

    std::vector<NotificationCallback>::iterator find_callback(uint64_t token);

    mutable std::mutex m_realm_mutex;
    std::shared_ptr<Realm> m_realm;

    std::shared_ptr<Transaction> m_transaction;

    // A vector of all tables related to this table (including itself).
    std::vector<DeepChangeChecker::RelatedTable> m_related_tables;

    bool m_has_run = false;
    bool m_has_delivered_root_deletion_event = false;

    // A summary of all `KeyPath`s attached to the `m_callbacks`.
    KeyPathArray m_key_path_array;

    // Cached check for if callbacks have keypath filters which can be used
    // only on the worker thread, but without acquiring the callback mutex
    bool m_all_callbacks_filtered = false;
    bool m_any_callbacks_filtered = false;

    // All `NotificationCallback`s added to this `CollectionNotifier` via `add_callback()`.
    std::vector<NotificationCallback> m_callbacks;

    // Cached value for if m_callbacks is empty, needed to avoid deadlocks in
    // run() due to lock-order inversion between m_callback_mutex and m_target_mutex
    // It's okay if this value is stale as at worst it'll result in us doing
    // some extra work.
    std::atomic<bool> m_have_callbacks = {false};

    // Iteration variable for looping over callbacks. remove_callback() will
    // sometimes update this to ensure that removing a callback while iterating
    // over the callbacks will not skip an unrelated callback.
    size_t m_callback_index GUARDED_BY(m_callback_mutex) = -1;
    // The number of callbacks which were present when the notifier was packaged
    // for delivery which are still present.
    // Updated by packaged_for_delivery and remove_callback(), and used in
    // for_each_callback() to avoid calling callbacks registered during delivery.
    size_t m_callback_count GUARDED_BY(m_callback_mutex) = -1;

    uint64_t m_next_token GUARDED_BY(m_callback_mutex) = 0;

// A smart pointer to a CollectionNotifier that unregisters the notifier when
// the pointer is destroyed. Movable. Copying will produce a null Handle.
template <typename T>
class CollectionNotifier::Handle : public std::shared_ptr<T> {
    using std::shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr;

    Handle() = default;

    // Copying a Handle produces a null Handle.
    Handle(const Handle&)
        : Handle()
    Handle& operator=(const Handle& other)
        if (this != &other) {
        return *this;

    Handle(Handle&&) = default;
    Handle& operator=(Handle&& other)
        return *this;

    template <typename U>
    Handle& operator=(std::shared_ptr<U>&& other)
        return *this;

    void reset()
        if (*this) {

// A package of CollectionNotifiers for a single Realm instance which is passed
// around to the various places which need to actually trigger the notifications
class NotifierPackage {
    NotifierPackage() = default;

    // Create a package which contains notifiers which have already been pacakged for delivery
    NotifierPackage(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionNotifier>> notifiers, std::shared_ptr<Transaction> pin_tr);
    // Create a package which can have package_and_wait() called on it later
    NotifierPackage(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionNotifier>> notifiers, RealmCoordinator* coordinator);

    explicit operator bool() const noexcept
        return !m_notifiers.empty();

    // Get the version which this package can deliver into, or VersionID{} if
    // it has not yet been packaged
    util::Optional<VersionID> version() const noexcept;

    // Block until notifications are ready for the given version, and then filter
    // out any notifiers which don't have anything to deliver.
    // No-op if called multiple times
    void package_and_wait(VersionID::version_type target_version);

    // Send the before-change notifications
    void before_advance();
    // Deliver the payload associated with the contained notifiers and/or the error
    void deliver(Transaction& sg);
    // Send the after-change notifications
    void after_advance();

    std::shared_ptr<Transaction> m_pin_tr;
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CollectionNotifier>> m_notifiers;
    RealmCoordinator* m_coordinator = nullptr;

} // namespace realm::_impl