bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst / Headers / realm / sync / network / websocket.hpp
#pragma once

#include <realm/sync/network/http.hpp>
#include <realm/util/functional.hpp>
#include <realm/util/logger.hpp>

#include <random>
#include <system_error>
#include <map>

namespace realm::sync::websocket {

using WriteCompletionHandler = util::UniqueFunction<void(std::error_code, size_t num_bytes_transferred)>;
using ReadCompletionHandler = util::UniqueFunction<void(std::error_code, size_t num_bytes_transferred)>;

class Config {
    virtual ~Config() {}

    /// The Socket uses the caller supplied logger for logging.
    virtual const std::shared_ptr<util::Logger>& websocket_get_logger() noexcept = 0;

    /// The Socket needs random numbers to satisfy the Websocket protocol.
    /// The caller must supply a random number generator.
    virtual std::mt19937_64& websocket_get_random() noexcept = 0;

    /// The three functions below are used by the Socket to read and write to the underlying
    /// stream. The functions will typically be implemented as wrappers to a TCP/TLS stream,
    /// but could also map to pure memory streams. These functions abstract away the details of
    /// the underlying sockets.
    /// The functions have the same semantics as util::Socket.
    /// FIXME: Require that implementations ensure no callback reentrance, i.e.,
    /// that the completion handler is never called from within the execution of
    /// async_write(), async_read(), or async_read_until(). This guarantee is
    /// provided by both network::Socket and network::ssl::Stream.
    virtual void async_write(const char* data, size_t size, WriteCompletionHandler handler) = 0;
    virtual void async_read(char* buffer, size_t size, ReadCompletionHandler handler) = 0;
    virtual void async_read_until(char* buffer, size_t size, char delim, ReadCompletionHandler handler) = 0;

    /// websocket_handshake_completion_handler() is called when the websocket is connected, .i.e.
    /// after the handshake is done. It is not allowed to send messages on the socket before the
    /// handshake is done. No message_received callbacks will be called before the handshake is done.
    virtual void websocket_handshake_completion_handler(const HTTPHeaders&) = 0;

    /// websocket_read_error_handler() and websocket_write_error_handler() are called when an
    /// error occurs on the underlying stream given by the async_read and async_write functions above.
    /// The error_code is passed through.
    /// websocket_handshake_error_handler() will be called when there is an error in the handshake
    /// such as "404 Not found".
    /// websocket_protocol_error_handler() is called when there is an protocol error in the incoming
    /// websocket messages.
    /// After calling any of these error callbacks, the Socket will move into the stopped state, and
    /// no more messages should be sent, or will be received.
    /// It is safe to destroy the WebSocket object in these handlers.
    virtual void websocket_read_error_handler(std::error_code) = 0;
    virtual void websocket_write_error_handler(std::error_code) = 0;
    virtual void websocket_handshake_error_handler(std::error_code, const HTTPHeaders*,
                                                   const std::string_view* body) = 0;
    virtual void websocket_protocol_error_handler(std::error_code) = 0;

    /// The five callback functions below are called whenever a full message has arrived.
    /// The Socket defragments fragmented messages internally and delivers a full message.
    /// \param data size The message is delivered in this buffer
    /// The buffer is only valid until the function returns.
    /// \return value designates whether the WebSocket object should continue
    /// processing messages. The normal return value is true. False must be returned if the
    /// websocket object is destroyed during execution of the function.
    virtual bool websocket_text_message_received(const char* data, size_t size);
    virtual bool websocket_binary_message_received(const char* data, size_t size);
    virtual bool websocket_close_message_received(std::error_code error_code, StringData message);
    virtual bool websocket_ping_message_received(const char* data, size_t size);
    virtual bool websocket_pong_message_received(const char* data, size_t size);

enum class Opcode { continuation = 0, text = 1, binary = 2, close = 8, ping = 9, pong = 10 };

class Socket {
    Socket(Socket&&) noexcept;
    ~Socket() noexcept;

    /// initiate_client_handshake() starts the Socket in client mode. The Socket
    /// will send the HTTP request that initiates the WebSocket protocol and
    /// wait for the HTTP response from the server. The HTTP request will
    /// contain the \param request_uri in the HTTP request line. The \param host
    /// will be sent as the value in a HTTP Host header line.
    /// \param sec_websocket_protocol will be set as header value for
    /// Sec-WebSocket-Protocol. Extra HTTP headers can be provided in \a headers.
    /// When the server responds with a valid HTTP response, the callback
    /// function websocket_handshake_completion_handler() is called. Messages
    /// can only be sent and received after the handshake has completed.
    void initiate_client_handshake(const std::string& request_uri, const std::string& host,
                                   const std::string& sec_websocket_protocol, HTTPHeaders headers = HTTPHeaders{});

    /// initiate_server_handshake() starts the Socket in server mode. It will
    /// wait for a HTTP request from a client and respond with a HTTP response.
    /// After sending a HTTP response, websocket_handshake_completion_handler()
    /// is called. Messages can only be sent and received after the handshake
    /// has completed.
    void initiate_server_handshake();

    /// initiate_server_websocket_after_handshake() starts the Socket in a state
    /// where it will read and write WebSocket messages but it will expect the
    /// handshake to have been completed by the caller. The use of this
    /// function is to perform HTTP routing externally and then start the
    /// WebSocket in case the HTTP request is an Upgrade to WebSocket.
    /// Typically, the caller will have used make_http_response() to send the
    /// HTTP response itself.
    void initiate_server_websocket_after_handshake();

    /// The async_write_* functions send frames. Only one frame should be sent at a time,
    /// meaning that the user must wait for the handler to be called before sending the next frame.
    /// The handler is type util::UniqueFunction<void()> and is called when the frame has been successfully
    /// sent. In case of errors, the Config::websocket_write_error_handler() is called.

    /// async_write_frame() sends a single frame with this content:
    /// \param fin The fin bit set to 0 or 1
    /// \param opcode Specifies the opcpde.
    /// \param data size The frame payload is taken from this buffer.
    /// \param handler Called when the frame has been successfully sent. Error s are reported through
    /// websocket_write_error_handler() in Config.
    /// This function is rather low level and should only be used with knowledge of the WebSocket protocol.
    /// The five utility functions below are recommended for message sending.
    /// FIXME: Guarantee no callback reentrance, i.e., that the completion
    /// handler, or the error handler in case an error occurs, is never called
    /// from within the execution of async_write_frame().
    void async_write_frame(bool fin, Opcode opcode, const char* data, size_t size,
                           util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);

    /// Five utility functions used to send whole messages. These five
    /// functions are implemented in terms of async_write_frame(). These
    /// functions send whole unfragmented messages. These functions should be
    /// preferred over async_write_frame() for most use cases.
    /// FIXME: Guarantee no callback reentrance, i.e., that the completion
    /// handler, or the error handler in case an error occurs, is never called
    /// from within the execution of async_write_text(), and its friends. This
    /// is already assumed by the client and server implementations of the sync
    /// protocol.
    void async_write_text(const char* data, size_t size, util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);
    void async_write_binary(const char* data, size_t size, util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);
    void async_write_close(const char* data, size_t size, util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);
    void async_write_ping(const char* data, size_t size, util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);
    void async_write_pong(const char* data, size_t size, util::UniqueFunction<void()> handler);

    /// stop() stops the socket. The socket will stop processing incoming data,
    /// sending data, and calling callbacks.  It is an error to attempt to send
    /// a message after stop() has been called. stop() will typically be called
    /// before the underlying TCP/TLS connection is closed. The Socket can be
    /// restarted with initiate_client_handshake() and
    /// initiate_server_handshake().
    void stop() noexcept;

    /// Specifies an alternate status code for the handshake response to simulate
    /// failures returned from the server.
    void force_handshake_response_for_testing(int status_code, std::string body = "");

    class Impl;
    std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl;

/// read_sec_websocket_protocol() returns the value of the
/// header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol in the http request \a request.
/// None is returned if the header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol is absent
/// in the request.
util::Optional<std::string> read_sec_websocket_protocol(const HTTPRequest& request);

/// make_http_response() takes \a request as a WebSocket handshake request,
/// validates it, and makes a HTTP response. If the request is invalid, the
/// return value is None, and ec is set to Error::bad_request_header_*.
util::Optional<HTTPResponse> make_http_response(const HTTPRequest& request, const std::string& sec_websocket_protocol,
                                                std::error_code& ec);

enum class HttpError {

const std::error_category& http_error_category() noexcept;

std::error_code make_error_code(HttpError) noexcept;

enum class WebSocketError {
    websocket_ok = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_OK,
    websocket_going_away = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_GOINGAWAY,
    websocket_protocol_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOLERROR,
    websocket_unsupported_data = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_UNSUPPORTEDDATA,
    websocket_reserved = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_RESERVED,
    websocket_no_status_received = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_NOSTATUSRECEIVED,
    websocket_abnormal_closure = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_ABNORMALCLOSURE,
    websocket_invalid_payload_data = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_INVALIDPAYLOADDATA,
    websocket_policy_violation = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_POLICYVIOLATION,
    websocket_message_too_big = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_MESSAGETOOBIG,
    websocket_invalid_extension = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_INAVALIDEXTENSION,
    websocket_internal_server_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_INTERNALSERVERERROR,
    websocket_tls_handshake_failed = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_TLSHANDSHAKEFAILED, // Used by default WebSocket

    // WebSocket Errors - reported by server
    websocket_unauthorized = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_UNAUTHORIZED,
    websocket_forbidden = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_FORBIDDEN,
    websocket_moved_permanently = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_MOVEDPERMANENTLY,
    websocket_client_too_old = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_TOO_OLD,
    websocket_client_too_new = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_TOO_NEW,
    websocket_protocol_mismatch = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH,

    websocket_resolve_failed = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_RESOLVE_FAILED,
    websocket_connection_failed = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION_FAILED,
    websocket_read_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_READ_ERROR,
    websocket_write_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_WRITE_ERROR,
    websocket_retry_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_RETRY_ERROR,
    websocket_fatal_error = RLM_ERR_WEBSOCKET_FATAL_ERROR,

const std::error_category& websocket_error_category() noexcept;

std::error_code make_error_code(WebSocketError) noexcept;

ErrorCodes::Error get_simplified_websocket_error(WebSocketError);

} // namespace realm::sync::websocket

namespace std {

template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<realm::sync::websocket::HttpError> {
    static const bool value = true;

template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<realm::sync::websocket::WebSocketError> {
    static const bool value = true;

} // namespace std