bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst / Headers / realm / sync / socket_provider.hpp
// Copyright 2022 Realm Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#pragma once

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include <realm/status.hpp>

#include <realm/sync/config.hpp>

#include <realm/util/functional.hpp>
#include <realm/util/optional.hpp>
#include <realm/util/span.hpp>

namespace realm::sync {

struct WebSocketEndpoint;
struct WebSocketInterface;
struct WebSocketObserver;

/// Sync Socket Provider interface that provides the event loop and WebSocket
/// factory used by the SyncClient.
/// All callback and event operations in the SyncClient must be completed in
/// the order in which they were issued (via post() or timer) to the event
/// loop and cannot be run in parallel. It is up to the custom event loop
/// implementation to determine if these are run on the same thread or a
/// thread pool as long as it is guaranteed that the callback handler
/// functions are processed in order and not run concurrently.
/// The implementation of a SyncSocketProvider must support the following
/// operations that post handler functions (via by the Sync client) onto the
/// event loop:
/// * Post a handler function directly onto the event loop
/// * Post a handler function when the specified timer duration expires
/// The event loop is not required to be a single thread as long as the
/// following requirements are satisfied:
/// * handler functions are called in the order they were posted to the
/// event loop queue, and
/// * a handler function runs to completion before the next handler function
/// is called.
/// The SyncSocketProvider also provides a WebSocket interface for
/// connecting to the server via a WebSocket connection.
class SyncSocketProvider {
    /// Function handler typedef
    using FunctionHandler = util::UniqueFunction<void(Status)>;

    /// The Timer object used to track a timer that was started on the event
    /// loop.
    /// This object provides a cancel() mechanism to cancel the timer. The
    /// handler function for this timer must be called with a Status of
    /// ErrorCodes::OperationAborted error code if the timer is canceled.
    /// Custom event loop implementations will need to create a subclass of
    /// Timer that provides access to the underlying implementation to cancel
    /// the timer.
    struct Timer {
        /// Cancels the timer and destroys the timer instance.
        virtual ~Timer() = default;
        /// Cancel the timer immediately. Does nothing if the timer has
        /// already expired or been cancelled.
        virtual void cancel() = 0;

    /// Other class typedefs
    using SyncTimer = std::unique_ptr<SyncSocketProvider::Timer>;

    /// The event loop implementation must ensure the event loop is stopped and
    /// flushed when the object is destroyed. If the event loop is processed by
    /// a thread, the thread must be joined as part of this operation.
    virtual ~SyncSocketProvider() = default;

    /// Create a new websocket pointed to the server indicated by endpoint and
    /// connect to the server. Any events that occur during the execution of the
    /// websocket will call directly to the handlers provided by the observer.
    /// The WebSocketObserver guarantees that the WebSocket object will be
    /// closed/destroyed before the observer is terminated/destroyed.
    virtual std::unique_ptr<WebSocketInterface> connect(std::unique_ptr<WebSocketObserver> observer,
                                                        WebSocketEndpoint&& endpoint) = 0;

    /// Submit a handler function to be executed by the event loop (thread).
    /// Register the specified handler function to be queued on the event loop
    /// for immediate asynchronous execution. The specified handler will be
    /// executed by an expression on the form `handler()`. If the the handler
    /// object is movable, it will never be copied. Otherwise, it will be
    /// copied as necessary.
    /// This function is thread-safe and can be called by any thread. It can
    /// also be called from other post() handler function.
    /// The handler will never be called as part of the execution of post(). If
    /// post() is called on a thread separate from the event loop, the handler
    /// may be called before post() returns.
    /// Handler functions added through post() must be executed in the order
    /// they are added. More precisely, if post() is called twice to add two
    /// handlers, A and B, and the execution of post(A) ends before the
    /// beginning of the execution of post(B), then A is guaranteed to execute
    /// before B.
    /// @param handler The handler function to be queued on the event loop.
    virtual void post(FunctionHandler&& handler) = 0;

    /// Create and register a new timer whose handler function will be posted
    /// to the event loop when the provided delay expires.
    /// This is a one shot timer and the Timer class returned becomes invalid
    /// once the timer has expired. A new timer will need to be created to wait
    /// again.
    /// @param delay The duration to wait in ms before the timer expires.
    /// @param handler The handler function to be called on the event loop
    ///                when the timer expires.
    /// @return A pointer to the Timer object that can be used to cancel the
    /// timer. The timer will also be canceled if the Timer object returned is
    /// destroyed.
    virtual SyncTimer create_timer(std::chrono::milliseconds delay, FunctionHandler&& handler) = 0;

    /// Temporary functions added to support the default socket provider until
    /// it is fully integrated. Will be removed in future PRs.
    virtual void stop(bool = false) {}

/// Struct that defines the endpoint to create a new websocket connection.
/// Many of these values come from the SyncClientConfig passed to SyncManager when
/// it was created.
struct WebSocketEndpoint {
    using port_type = sync::port_type;

    std::string address;                // Host address
    port_type port;                     // Host port number
    std::string path;                   // Includes access token in query.
    std::vector<std::string> protocols; // Array of one or more websocket protocols
    bool is_ssl;                        // true if SSL should be used

    /// DEPRECATED - These will be removed in a future release
    /// These fields are deprecated and should not be used by custom socket provider implementations
    std::map<std::string, std::string> headers; // Only includes "custom" headers.
    bool verify_servers_ssl_certificate;
    util::Optional<std::string> ssl_trust_certificate_path;
    std::function<SyncConfig::SSLVerifyCallback> ssl_verify_callback;
    util::Optional<SyncConfig::ProxyConfig> proxy;

/// The WebSocket base class that is used by the SyncClient to send data over the
/// WebSocket connection with the server. This is the class that is returned by
/// SyncSocketProvider::connect() when a connection to an endpoint is requested.
/// If an error occurs while establishing the connection, the error is presented
/// to the WebSocketObserver provided when the WebSocket was created.
struct WebSocketInterface {
    /// The destructor must close the websocket connection when the WebSocket object
    /// is destroyed
    virtual ~WebSocketInterface() = default;

    /// For implementations that support it, return the app services request ID header
    /// value, i.e. the "X-Appservices-Request-Id" header value.
    /// TODO: This will go away with RCORE-1380 since it's not strictly available in the
    /// websocket spec. If HTTP headers aren't available, the default implementation of
    /// returning an empty string is okay.
    virtual std::string_view get_appservices_request_id() const noexcept
        return {};

    /// Write data asynchronously to the WebSocket connection. The handler function
    /// will be called when the data has been sent successfully. The WebSocketOberver
    /// provided when the WebSocket was created will be called if any errors occur
    /// during the write operation.
    /// @param data A util::Span containing the data to be sent to the server.
    /// @param handler The handler function to be called when the data has been sent
    ///                successfully. If the WebSocket readyState is anything other
    ///                than OPEN, the handler function should be called with a
    ///                Status of ErrorCodes::RuntimeError.
    virtual void async_write_binary(util::Span<const char> data, SyncSocketProvider::FunctionHandler&& handler) = 0;

/// WebSocket observer interface in the SyncClient that receives the websocket
/// events during operation.
struct WebSocketObserver {
    virtual ~WebSocketObserver() = default;

    /// Called when the websocket is connected, i.e. after the handshake is done.
    /// The Sync Client is not allowed to send messages on the socket before the
    /// handshake is complete and no message_received callbacks will be called
    /// before the handshake is done.
    /// @param protocol The negotiated subprotocol value returned by the server
    virtual void websocket_connected_handler(const std::string& protocol) = 0;

    /// Called when an error occurs while establishing the WebSocket connection
    /// to the server or during normal operations. No additional binary messages
    /// will be processed after this function is called.
    virtual void websocket_error_handler() = 0;

    /// Called whenever a full message has arrived. The WebSocket implementation
    /// is responsible for defragmenting fragmented messages internally and
    /// delivering a full message to the Sync Client.
    /// @param data A util::Span containing the data received from the server.
    ///             The buffer is only valid until the function returns.
    /// @return bool designates whether the WebSocket object should continue
    ///         processing messages. The normal return value is true . False must
    ///         be returned if the websocket object has been destroyed during
    ///         execution of the function.
    virtual bool websocket_binary_message_received(util::Span<const char> data) = 0;

    /// Called whenever the WebSocket connection has been closed, either as a result
    /// of a WebSocket error or a normal close.
    /// @param was_clean Was the TCP connection closed after the WebSocket closing
    ///                  handshake was completed.
    /// @param status A Status object containing the WebSocket status code and the
    ///               reason string why the connection was closed.
    /// @return bool designates whether the WebSocket object has been destroyed
    ///         during the execution of this function. The normal return value is
    ///         True to indicate the WebSocket object is no longer valid. If False
    ///         is returned, the WebSocket object will be destroyed at some point
    ///         in the future.
    virtual bool websocket_closed_handler(bool was_clean, Status status) = 0;

} // namespace realm::sync