bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator / Headers / realm / array_string_short.hpp
 * Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <realm/array.hpp>
#include <realm/string_data.hpp>

namespace realm {

ArrayStringShort stores strings as a concecutive list of fixed-length blocks of m_width bytes. The
longest string it can store is (m_width - 1) bytes before it needs to expand.

An example of the format for m_width = 4 is following sequence of bytes, where x is payload:

xxx0 xx01 x002 0003 0004 (strings "xxx",. "xx", "x", "", realm::null())

So each string is 0 terminated, and the last byte in a block tells how many 0s are present, except
for a realm::null() which has the byte set to m_width (4). The byte is used to compute the length of a string
in various functions.

New: If m_witdh = 0, then all elements are realm::null(). So to add an empty string we must expand m_width
New: StringData is null() if-and-only-if StringData::data() == 0.

class ArrayStringShort : public Array {
    static const size_t max_width = 64;

    typedef StringData value_type;
    // Constructor defaults to non-nullable because we use non-nullable ArrayStringShort so many places internally
    // in core (data which isn't user payload) where null isn't needed.
    explicit ArrayStringShort(Allocator&, bool nullable = false) noexcept;
    ~ArrayStringShort() noexcept override

    bool is_null(size_t ndx) const;
    void set_null(size_t ndx);
    StringData get(size_t ndx) const noexcept;
    void add();
    void add(StringData value);
    void set(size_t ndx, StringData value);
    void insert(size_t ndx, StringData value);
    void erase(size_t ndx);

    size_t count(StringData value, size_t begin = 0, size_t end = npos) const noexcept;
    size_t find_first(StringData value, size_t begin = 0, size_t end = npos) const noexcept;
    void find_all(IntegerColumn& result, StringData value, size_t add_offset = 0, size_t begin = 0,
                  size_t end = npos);

    /// Compare two string arrays for equality.
    bool compare_string(const ArrayStringShort&) const noexcept;

    /// Get the specified element without the cost of constructing an
    /// array instance. If an array instance is already available, or
    /// you need to get multiple values, then this method will be
    /// slower.
    static StringData get(const char* header, size_t ndx, bool nullable) noexcept;

    /// Construct a string array of the specified size and return just
    /// the reference to the underlying memory. All elements will be
    /// initialized to the empty string.
    static MemRef create_array(size_t size, Allocator&);

    /// Create a new empty string array and attach this accessor to
    /// it. This does not modify the parent reference information of
    /// this accessor.
    /// Note that the caller assumes ownership of the allocated
    /// underlying node. It is not owned by the accessor.
    void create();

    void string_stats() const;

    size_t calc_byte_len(size_t num_items, size_t width) const override;
    size_t calc_item_count(size_t bytes, size_t width) const noexcept override;

    bool m_nullable;

// Implementation:

// Creates new array (but invalid, call init_from_ref() to init)
inline ArrayStringShort::ArrayStringShort(Allocator& allocator, bool nullable) noexcept
    : Array(allocator)
    , m_nullable(nullable)

inline void ArrayStringShort::create()
    size_t init_size = 0;
    MemRef mem = create_array(init_size, get_alloc()); // Throws

inline MemRef ArrayStringShort::create_array(size_t init_size, Allocator& allocator)
    bool context_flag = false;
    int_fast64_t value = 0;
    return Array::create(type_Normal, context_flag, wtype_Multiply, init_size, value, allocator); // Throws

inline StringData ArrayStringShort::get(size_t ndx) const noexcept
    REALM_ASSERT_3(ndx, <, m_size);
    if (m_width == 0)
        return m_nullable ? realm::null() : StringData("");

    const char* data = m_data + (ndx * m_width);
    size_t array_size = (m_width - 1) - data[m_width - 1];

    if (array_size == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
        return m_nullable ? realm::null() : StringData("");

    REALM_ASSERT_EX(data[array_size] == 0, data[array_size],
                    array_size); // Realm guarantees 0 terminated return strings
    return StringData(data, array_size);

inline void ArrayStringShort::add(StringData value)
    REALM_ASSERT(!(!m_nullable && value.is_null()));
    insert(m_size, value); // Throws

inline void ArrayStringShort::add()
    add(m_nullable ? realm::null() : StringData("")); // Throws

inline StringData ArrayStringShort::get(const char* header, size_t ndx, bool nullable) noexcept
    REALM_ASSERT(ndx < get_size_from_header(header));
    uint_least8_t width = get_width_from_header(header);
    const char* data = get_data_from_header(header) + (ndx * width);

    if (width == 0)
        return nullable ? realm::null() : StringData("");

    size_t size = (width - 1) - data[width - 1];

    if (size == static_cast<size_t>(-1))
        return nullable ? realm::null() : StringData("");

    return StringData(data, size);

} // namespace realm