bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / macos-x86_64_arm64 / Headers / realm / object-store / util / bson / bson.hpp
 * Copyright 2020 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expreout or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permioutions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <realm/object-store/util/bson/indexed_map.hpp>
#include <realm/object-store/util/bson/regular_expression.hpp>
#include <realm/object-store/util/bson/min_key.hpp>
#include <realm/object-store/util/bson/max_key.hpp>
#include <realm/object-store/util/bson/mongo_timestamp.hpp>

#include <realm/binary_data.hpp>
#include <realm/timestamp.hpp>
#include <realm/decimal128.hpp>
#include <realm/object_id.hpp>
#include <realm/uuid.hpp>
#include <ostream>

namespace realm {
namespace bson {

class Bson {
    enum class Type {

    Bson() noexcept
        : m_type(Type::Null)

    Bson(util::None) noexcept
        : Bson()

    Bson(int32_t) noexcept;
    Bson(int64_t) noexcept;
    Bson(bool) noexcept;
    Bson(double) noexcept;
    Bson(MinKey) noexcept;
    Bson(MaxKey) noexcept;
    Bson(MongoTimestamp) noexcept;
    Bson(realm::Timestamp) noexcept;
    Bson(Decimal128) noexcept;
    Bson(ObjectId) noexcept;
    Bson(realm::UUID) noexcept;

    Bson(const RegularExpression&) noexcept;
    Bson(const std::vector<char>&) noexcept;
    Bson(const std::string&) noexcept;
    Bson(const IndexedMap<Bson>&) noexcept;
    Bson(const std::vector<Bson>&) noexcept;
    Bson(std::string&&) noexcept;
    Bson(IndexedMap<Bson>&&) noexcept;
    Bson(std::vector<Bson>&&) noexcept;

    // These are shortcuts for Bson(StringData(c_str)), and are
    // needed to avoid unwanted implicit conversion of char* to bool.
    Bson(char* c_str) noexcept
        : Bson(StringData(c_str))
    Bson(const char* c_str) noexcept
        : Bson(StringData(c_str))

    ~Bson() noexcept;

    Bson(Bson&& v) noexcept;
    Bson(const Bson& v);
    Bson& operator=(Bson&& v) noexcept;
    Bson& operator=(const Bson& v);

    explicit operator util::None() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Type::Null);
        return util::none;

    explicit operator int32_t() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Int32);
        return int32_val;

    explicit operator int64_t() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Int64);
        return int64_val;

    explicit operator bool() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Bool);
        return bool_val;

    explicit operator double() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Double);
        return double_val;

    explicit operator std::string&()
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::String);
        return string_val;

    explicit operator const std::string&() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::String);
        return string_val;

    explicit operator std::vector<char>&()
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Binary);
        return binary_val;

    explicit operator const std::vector<char>&() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Binary);
        return binary_val;

    explicit operator MongoTimestamp() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Timestamp);
        return time_val;

    explicit operator realm::Timestamp() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Datetime);
        return date_val;

    explicit operator ObjectId() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::ObjectId);
        return oid_val;

    explicit operator Decimal128() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Decimal128);
        return decimal_val;

    explicit operator const RegularExpression&() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::RegularExpression);
        return regex_val;

    explicit operator MinKey() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::MinKey);
        return min_key_val;

    explicit operator MaxKey() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::MaxKey);
        return max_key_val;

    explicit operator IndexedMap<Bson>&() noexcept
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Document);
        return *document_val;

    explicit operator const IndexedMap<Bson>&() const noexcept
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Document);
        return *document_val;

    explicit operator std::vector<Bson>&() noexcept
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Array);
        return *array_val;

    explicit operator const std::vector<Bson>&() const noexcept
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Array);
        return *array_val;

    explicit operator realm::UUID() const
        REALM_ASSERT(m_type == Bson::Type::Uuid);
        return uuid_val;

    Type type() const noexcept;
    std::string to_string() const;

    std::string toJson() const;

    bool operator==(const Bson& other) const;
    bool operator!=(const Bson& other) const;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bson& m);
    template <typename T>
    friend bool holds_alternative(const Bson& bson);

    Type m_type;

    union {
        int32_t int32_val;
        int64_t int64_val;
        bool bool_val;
        double double_val;
        MongoTimestamp time_val;
        ObjectId oid_val;
        Decimal128 decimal_val;
        MaxKey max_key_val;
        MinKey min_key_val;
        realm::Timestamp date_val;
        realm::UUID uuid_val;
        // ref types
        RegularExpression regex_val;
        std::string string_val;
        std::vector<char> binary_val;
        std::unique_ptr<IndexedMap<Bson>> document_val;
        std::unique_ptr<std::vector<Bson>> array_val;

inline Bson::Bson(int32_t v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Int32;
    int32_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(int64_t v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Int64;
    int64_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(bool v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Bool;
    bool_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(double v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Double;
    double_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(MinKey v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::MinKey;
    min_key_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(MaxKey v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::MaxKey;
    max_key_val = v;
inline Bson::Bson(const RegularExpression& v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::RegularExpression;
    new (&regex_val) RegularExpression(v);

inline Bson::Bson(const std::vector<char>& v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Binary;
    new (&binary_val) std::vector<char>(v);

inline Bson::Bson(const std::string& v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::String;
    new (&string_val) std::string(v);

inline Bson::Bson(std::string&& v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::String;
    new (&string_val) std::string(std::move(v));

inline Bson::Bson(MongoTimestamp v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Timestamp;
    time_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(realm::Timestamp v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Datetime;
    date_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(Decimal128 v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Decimal128;
    decimal_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(ObjectId v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::ObjectId;
    oid_val = v;

inline Bson::Bson(const IndexedMap<Bson>& v) noexcept
    : m_type(Bson::Type::Document)
    , document_val(new IndexedMap<Bson>(v))

inline Bson::Bson(const std::vector<Bson>& v) noexcept
    : m_type(Bson::Type::Array)
    , array_val(new std::vector<Bson>(std::move(v)))

inline Bson::Bson(IndexedMap<Bson>&& v) noexcept
    : m_type(Bson::Type::Document)
    , document_val(new IndexedMap<Bson>(std::move(v)))

inline Bson::Bson(std::vector<Bson>&& v) noexcept
    : m_type(Bson::Type::Array)
    , array_val(new std::vector<Bson>(std::move(v)))

inline Bson::Bson(realm::UUID v) noexcept
    m_type = Bson::Type::Uuid;
    uuid_val = v;

template <typename T>
bool holds_alternative(const Bson& bson);

using BsonDocument = IndexedMap<Bson>;
using BsonArray = std::vector<Bson>;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Bson& b);

Bson parse(const std::string_view& json);

} // namespace bson
} // namespace realm

#endif // REALM_BSON_HPP