bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / xros-arm64 / Headers / realm / sort_descriptor.hpp
 * Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <realm/cluster.hpp>
#include <realm/mixed.hpp>
#include <realm/util/bind_ptr.hpp>

namespace realm {

class SortDescriptor;
class ConstTableRef;
class Group;

enum class DescriptorType { Sort, Distinct, Limit };

// A key wrapper to be used for sorting,
// In addition to column key, it supports index into collection.
// TODO: Implement sorting by indexed elements of an array. They should be similar to dictionary keys.
class ExtendedColumnKey {
    ExtendedColumnKey(ColKey col)
        : m_colkey(col)
    ExtendedColumnKey(ColKey col, Mixed index)
        : m_colkey(col)
        , m_index(index)
    ExtendedColumnKey(const ExtendedColumnKey& other)
        : m_colkey(other.m_colkey)
        , m_index(other.m_index)
    ExtendedColumnKey& operator=(const ExtendedColumnKey& rhs)
        m_colkey = rhs.m_colkey;
        m_index = rhs.m_index;
        return *this;

    ColKey get_col_key() const
        return m_colkey;
    ConstTableRef get_target_table(const Table* table) const;
    std::string get_description(const Table* table) const;
    bool is_collection() const;
    ObjKey get_link_target(const Obj& obj) const;
    Mixed get_value(const Obj& obj) const;

    ColKey m_colkey;
    Mixed m_index;
    std::string m_buffer;

struct LinkPathPart {
    // Constructor for forward links
    LinkPathPart(ColKey col_key)
        : column_key(col_key)
    // Constructor for backward links. Source table must be a valid table.
    LinkPathPart(ColKey col_key, ConstTableRef source);
    // Each step in the path can be a forward or a backward link.
    // In case of a backlink, the column_key indicates the origin link column
    // (the forward link column in the origin table), not the backlink column
    // itself.
    ColKey column_key;
    // "from" is omitted to indicate forward links, if it is valid then
    // this path describes a backlink originating from the column from[column_key]
    TableKey from;

class BaseDescriptor {
    struct IndexPair {
        IndexPair(ObjKey k, size_t i)
            : key_for_object(k)
            , index_in_view(i)
        bool operator<(const IndexPair& other) const
            return index_in_view < other.index_in_view;
        ObjKey key_for_object;
        size_t index_in_view;
        Mixed cached_value;
    class IndexPairs : public std::vector<BaseDescriptor::IndexPair> {
        size_t m_removed_by_limit = 0;
    class Sorter {
        Sorter(std::vector<std::vector<ExtendedColumnKey>> const& columns, std::vector<bool> const& ascending,
               Table const& root_table, const IndexPairs& indexes);

        bool operator()(IndexPair i, IndexPair j, bool total_ordering = true) const;

        bool has_links() const
            return std::any_of(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(),
                               [](auto&& col) { return !col.translated_keys.empty(); });

        bool any_is_null(IndexPair i) const
            return std::any_of(m_columns.begin(), m_columns.end(), [=](auto&& col) {
                return !col.translated_keys.empty() && !col.translated_keys[i.index_in_view];
        void cache_first_column(IndexPairs& v);

        struct SortColumn {
            SortColumn(const Table* t, ExtendedColumnKey c, bool a)
                : table(t)
                , col_key(c)
                , ascending(a)
            std::vector<ObjKey> translated_keys;

            const Table* table;
            ExtendedColumnKey col_key;
            bool ascending;
        std::vector<SortColumn> m_columns;
        struct ObjCache {
            ObjKey key;
            Mixed value;
        using TableCache = std::vector<ObjCache>;
        mutable std::vector<TableCache> m_cache;

        friend class ObjList;

    BaseDescriptor() = default;
    virtual ~BaseDescriptor() = default;
    virtual bool is_valid() const noexcept = 0;
    virtual std::string get_description(ConstTableRef attached_table) const = 0;
    virtual std::unique_ptr<BaseDescriptor> clone() const = 0;
    virtual DescriptorType get_type() const = 0;
    virtual void collect_dependencies(const Table* table, std::vector<TableKey>& table_keys) const = 0;
    virtual Sorter sorter(Table const& table, const IndexPairs& indexes) const = 0;
    // Do what you have to do
    virtual void execute(IndexPairs& v, const Sorter& predicate, const BaseDescriptor* next) const = 0;

// ColumnsDescriptor encapsulates a reference to a set of columns (possibly over
// links), which is used to indicate the criteria columns for sort and distinct.
class ColumnsDescriptor : public BaseDescriptor {
    ColumnsDescriptor() = default;

    // Create a descriptor for the given columns on the given table.
    // Each vector in `column_keys` represents a chain of columns, where
    // all but the last are Link columns (n.b.: LinkList and Backlink are not
    // supported), and the final is any column type that can be sorted on.
    // `column_keys` must be non-empty, and each vector within it must also
    // be non-empty.
    ColumnsDescriptor(std::vector<std::vector<ExtendedColumnKey>> column_keys);

    // returns whether this descriptor is valid and can be used for sort or distinct
    bool is_valid() const noexcept override
        return !m_column_keys.empty();
    void collect_dependencies(const Table* table, std::vector<TableKey>& table_keys) const override;

    std::vector<std::vector<ExtendedColumnKey>> m_column_keys;

class DistinctDescriptor : public ColumnsDescriptor {
    DistinctDescriptor() = default;
    DistinctDescriptor(std::vector<std::vector<ExtendedColumnKey>> column_keys)
        : ColumnsDescriptor(std::move(column_keys))

    std::unique_ptr<BaseDescriptor> clone() const override;

    DescriptorType get_type() const override
        return DescriptorType::Distinct;

    Sorter sorter(Table const& table, const IndexPairs& indexes) const override;
    void execute(IndexPairs& v, const Sorter& predicate, const BaseDescriptor* next) const override;

    std::string get_description(ConstTableRef attached_table) const override;

class SortDescriptor : public ColumnsDescriptor {
    // Create a sort descriptor for the given columns on the given table.
    // See ColumnsDescriptor for restrictions on `column_keys`.
    // The sort order can be specified by using `ascending` which must either be
    // empty or have one entry for each column index chain.
    SortDescriptor(std::vector<std::vector<ExtendedColumnKey>> column_indices, std::vector<bool> ascending = {});
    SortDescriptor() = default;
    ~SortDescriptor() = default;
    std::unique_ptr<BaseDescriptor> clone() const override;

    DescriptorType get_type() const override
        return DescriptorType::Sort;

    util::Optional<bool> is_ascending(size_t ndx) const
        if (ndx < m_ascending.size()) {
            return util::Optional<bool>(m_ascending[ndx]);
        return util::none;

    enum class MergeMode {
        /// If another sort has just been applied, merge before it, so it takes primary precedence
        /// this is used for time based scenarios where building the last applied sort is the most important
        /// default historical behaviour
        /// If another sort has just been applied, merge after it to take secondary precedence
        /// this is used to construct sorts in a builder pattern where the first applied sort remains the most
        /// important
        /// Replace this sort descriptor with another

    void merge(SortDescriptor&& other, MergeMode mode);

    Sorter sorter(Table const& table, const IndexPairs& indexes) const override;

    void execute(IndexPairs& v, const Sorter& predicate, const BaseDescriptor* next) const override;

    std::string get_description(ConstTableRef attached_table) const override;

    std::vector<bool> m_ascending;

class LimitDescriptor : public BaseDescriptor {
    LimitDescriptor(size_t limit)
        : m_limit(limit)
    LimitDescriptor() = default;
    ~LimitDescriptor() = default;

    bool is_valid() const noexcept override
        return m_limit != size_t(-1);
    std::string get_description(ConstTableRef attached_table) const override;
    std::unique_ptr<BaseDescriptor> clone() const override;
    size_t get_limit() const noexcept
        return m_limit;

    DescriptorType get_type() const override
        return DescriptorType::Limit;

    Sorter sorter(Table const&, const IndexPairs&) const override
        return Sorter();

    void collect_dependencies(const Table*, std::vector<TableKey>&) const override
    void execute(IndexPairs& v, const Sorter& predicate, const BaseDescriptor* next) const override;

    size_t m_limit = size_t(-1);

class DescriptorOrdering : public util::AtomicRefCountBase {
    DescriptorOrdering() = default;
    DescriptorOrdering(const DescriptorOrdering&);
    DescriptorOrdering(DescriptorOrdering&&) = default;
    DescriptorOrdering& operator=(const DescriptorOrdering&);
    DescriptorOrdering& operator=(DescriptorOrdering&&) = default;

    void append_sort(SortDescriptor sort, SortDescriptor::MergeMode mode = SortDescriptor::MergeMode::prepend);
    void append_distinct(DistinctDescriptor distinct);
    void append_limit(LimitDescriptor limit);
    void append(const DescriptorOrdering& other);
    void append(DescriptorOrdering&& other);
    realm::util::Optional<size_t> get_min_limit() const;
    /// Remove all LIMIT statements from this descriptor ordering, returning the
    /// minimum LIMIT value that existed. If there was no LIMIT statement,
    /// returns `none`.
    util::Optional<size_t> remove_all_limits();
    bool will_limit_to_zero() const;
    DescriptorType get_type(size_t index) const;
    bool is_empty() const
        return m_descriptors.empty();
    size_t size() const
        return m_descriptors.size();
    const BaseDescriptor* operator[](size_t ndx) const;
    bool will_apply_sort() const;
    bool will_apply_distinct() const;
    bool will_apply_limit() const;
    std::string get_description(ConstTableRef target_table) const;
    void collect_dependencies(const Table* table);
    void get_versions(const Group* group, TableVersions& versions) const;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseDescriptor>> m_descriptors;
    std::vector<TableKey> m_dependencies;