bremer-ios-app / Pods / Realm / core / realm-monorepo.xcframework / xros-arm64_x86_64-simulator / Headers / realm / util / thread.hpp
 * Copyright 2016 Realm Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


#include <exception>

#ifdef _WIN32
#include <thread>
#include <condition_variable> // for windows non-interprocess condvars we use std::condition_variable
#include <Windows.h>
#include <process.h> // _getpid()
#include <pthread.h>

// Use below line to enable a thread bug detection tool. Note: Will make program execution slower.
// #include <../test/pthread_test.hpp>

#include <cerrno>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>

#include <realm/util/features.h>
#include <realm/util/assert.hpp>
#include <realm/util/terminate.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <atomic>

namespace realm {
namespace util {

/// A separate thread of execution.
/// This class is a C++03 compatible reproduction of a subset of std::thread
/// from C++11 (when discounting Thread::start(), Thread::set_name(), and
/// Thread::get_name()).
class Thread {
    ~Thread() noexcept;

    template <class F>
    explicit Thread(F func);

    // Disable copying. It is an error to copy this Thread class.
    Thread(const Thread&) = delete;
    Thread& operator=(const Thread&) = delete;

    Thread(Thread&&) noexcept;

    /// This method is an extension of the API provided by
    /// std::thread. This method exists because proper move semantics
    /// is unavailable in C++03. If move semantics had been available,
    /// calling `start(func)` would have been equivalent to `*this =
    /// Thread(func)`. Please see std::thread::operator=() for
    /// details.
    template <class F>
    void start(F func);

    bool joinable() noexcept;

    void join();

    // If supported by the platform, set the name of the calling thread (mainly
    // for debugging purposes). The name will be silently clamped to whatever
    // limit the platform places on these names. Linux places a limit of 15
    // characters for these names.
    static void set_name(const std::string&);

    // If supported by the platform, this function assigns the name of the
    // calling thread to \a name, and returns true, otherwise it does nothing
    // and returns false.
    static bool get_name(std::string& name) noexcept;


#ifdef _WIN32
    std::thread m_std_thread;
    pthread_t m_id;
    bool m_joinable;
    typedef void* (*entry_func_type)(void*);

    void start(entry_func_type, void* arg);

    template <class>
    static void* entry_point(void*) noexcept;

    REALM_NORETURN static void create_failed(int);
    REALM_NORETURN static void join_failed(int);

/// Low-level mutual exclusion device.
class Mutex {
    ~Mutex() noexcept;

    struct process_shared_tag {
    /// Initialize this mutex for use across multiple processes. When
    /// constructed this way, the instance may be placed in memory
    /// shared by multiple processes, as well as in a memory mapped
    /// file. Such a mutex remains valid even after the constructing
    /// process terminates. Deleting the instance (freeing the memory
    /// or deleting the file) without first calling the destructor is
    /// legal and will not cause any system resources to be leaked.

    // Disable copying.
    Mutex(const Mutex&) = delete;
    Mutex& operator=(const Mutex&) = delete;

    friend class LockGuard;
    friend class UniqueLock;
    friend class InterprocessCondVar;

    void lock() noexcept;
    bool try_lock() noexcept;
    void unlock() noexcept;

#ifdef _WIN32
    // Used for non-process-shared mutex. We only know at runtime whether or not to use it, depending on if we call
    // Mutex::Mutex(process_shared_tag)
    CRITICAL_SECTION m_critical_section;
    pthread_mutex_t m_impl = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

    struct no_init_tag {

    void init_as_regular();
    void init_as_process_shared(bool robust_if_available);

    REALM_NORETURN static void init_failed(int);
    REALM_NORETURN static void attr_init_failed(int);
    REALM_NORETURN static void destroy_failed(int) noexcept;
    REALM_NORETURN static void lock_failed(int) noexcept;

    friend class CondVar;
    friend class RobustMutex;

/// A simple mutex ownership wrapper.
class LockGuard {
    LockGuard(Mutex&) noexcept;
    ~LockGuard() noexcept;

    Mutex& m_mutex;
    friend class CondVar;

/// See UniqueLock.
struct defer_lock_tag {

/// A general-purpose mutex ownership wrapper supporting deferred
/// locking as well as repeated unlocking and relocking.
class UniqueLock {
    UniqueLock(Mutex&) noexcept;
    UniqueLock(Mutex&, defer_lock_tag) noexcept;
    ~UniqueLock() noexcept;

    void lock() noexcept;
    void unlock() noexcept;
    bool holds_lock() noexcept;

    Mutex* m_mutex;
    bool m_is_locked;

/// A robust version of a process-shared mutex.
/// A robust mutex is one that detects whether a thread (or process)
/// has died while holding a lock on the mutex.
/// When the present platform does not offer support for robust
/// mutexes, this mutex class behaves as a regular process-shared
/// mutex, which means that if a thread dies while holding a lock, any
/// future attempt at locking will block indefinitely.
class RobustMutex : private Mutex {
    ~RobustMutex() noexcept;

    constexpr static bool is_robust_on_this_platform = true;
    constexpr static bool is_robust_on_this_platform = false;

    class NotRecoverable;

    /// \param recover_func If the present platform does not support
    /// robust mutexes, this function is never called. Otherwise it is
    /// called if, and only if a thread has died while holding a
    /// lock. The purpose of the function is to reestablish a
    /// consistent shared state. If it fails to do this by throwing an
    /// exception, the mutex enters the 'unrecoverable' state where
    /// any future attempt at locking it will fail and cause
    /// NotRecoverable to be thrown. This function is advised to throw
    /// NotRecoverable when it fails, but it may throw any exception.
    /// \throw NotRecoverable If thrown by the specified recover
    /// function, or if the mutex has entered the 'unrecoverable'
    /// state due to a different thread throwing from its recover
    /// function.
    template <class Func>
    void lock(Func recover_func);

    template <class Func>
    bool try_lock(Func recover_func);

    void unlock() noexcept;

    /// Low-level locking of robust mutex.
    /// If the present platform does not support robust mutexes, this
    /// function always returns true. Otherwise it returns false if,
    /// and only if a thread has died while holding a lock.
    /// \note Most application should never call this function
    /// directly. It is called automatically when using the ordinary
    /// lock() function.
    /// \throw NotRecoverable If this mutex has entered the "not
    /// recoverable" state. It enters this state if
    /// mark_as_consistent() is not called between a call to
    /// robust_lock() that returns false and the corresponding call to
    /// unlock().
    bool low_level_lock();

    /// Low-level try-lock of robust mutex
    /// If the present platform does not support robust mutexes, this
    /// function always returns 0 or 1. Otherwise it returns -1 if,
    /// and only if a thread has died while holding a lock.
    /// Returns 1 if the lock is succesfully obtained.
    /// Returns 0 if the lock is held by somebody else (not obtained)
    /// Returns -1 if a thread has died while holding a lock.
    /// \note Most application should never call this function
    /// directly. It is called automatically when using the ordinary
    /// lock() function.
    /// \throw NotRecoverable If this mutex has entered the "not
    /// recoverable" state. It enters this state if
    /// mark_as_consistent() is not called between a call to
    /// robust_lock() that returns false and the corresponding call to
    /// unlock().
    int try_low_level_lock();

    /// Pull this mutex out of the 'inconsistent' state.
    /// Must be called only after low_level_lock() has returned false.
    /// \note Most application should never call this function
    /// directly. It is called automatically when using the ordinary
    /// lock() function.
    void mark_as_consistent() noexcept;

    /// Attempt to check if this mutex is a valid object.
    /// This attempts to trylock() the mutex, and if that fails returns false if
    /// the return value indicates that the low-level mutex is invalid (which is
    /// distinct from 'inconsistent'). Although pthread_mutex_trylock() may
    /// return EINVAL if the argument is not an initialized mutex object, merely
    /// attempting to check if an arbitrary blob of memory is a mutex object may
    /// involve undefined behavior, so it is only safe to assume that this
    /// function will run correctly when it is known that the mutex object is
    /// valid.
    bool is_valid() noexcept;

    friend class CondVar;

class RobustMutex::NotRecoverable : public std::exception {
    const char* what() const noexcept override
        return "Failed to recover consistent state of shared memory";

/// A simple robust mutex ownership wrapper.
class RobustLockGuard {
    /// \param m the mutex to guard
    /// \param func See RobustMutex::lock().
    template <class TFunc>
    RobustLockGuard(RobustMutex& m, TFunc func);
    ~RobustLockGuard() noexcept;

    RobustMutex& m_mutex;
    friend class CondVar;

/// Condition variable for use in synchronization monitors.
class CondVar {
    ~CondVar() noexcept;

    struct process_shared_tag {

    /// Initialize this condition variable for use across multiple
    /// processes. When constructed this way, the instance may be
    /// placed in memory shared by multimple processes, as well as in
    /// a memory mapped file. Such a condition variable remains valid
    /// even after the constructing process terminates. Deleting the
    /// instance (freeing the memory or deleting the file) without
    /// first calling the destructor is legal and will not cause any
    /// system resources to be leaked.

    /// Wait for another thread to call notify() or notify_all().
    void wait(LockGuard& l) noexcept;
    template <class Func>
    void wait(RobustMutex& m, Func recover_func, const struct timespec* tp = nullptr);

    /// If any threads are wating for this condition, wake up at least
    /// one.
    void notify() noexcept;

    /// Wake up every thread that is currently wating on this
    /// condition.
    void notify_all() noexcept;

#ifdef _WIN32
    pthread_cond_t m_impl;

    REALM_NORETURN static void init_failed(int);
    REALM_NORETURN static void attr_init_failed(int);
    REALM_NORETURN static void destroy_failed(int) noexcept;
    void handle_wait_error(int error);

class RaceDetector {
    std::atomic<bool> busy;

    void enter()
        bool already_busy =, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
        if (already_busy)
            throw std::runtime_error("Race detected - critical section busy on entry");
    void leave()
    {, std::memory_order_release);
    friend class CriticalSection;

class CriticalSection {
    RaceDetector& rd;

    CriticalSection(RaceDetector& race)
        : rd(race)

// Implementation:

inline Thread::Thread()
    : m_joinable(false)

template <class F>
inline Thread::Thread(F func)
    : m_joinable(true)
    std::unique_ptr<F> func2(new F(func));       // Throws
    start(&Thread::entry_point<F>, func2.get()); // Throws

inline Thread::Thread(Thread&& thread) noexcept
#ifndef _WIN32
    m_id = thread.m_id;
    m_joinable = thread.m_joinable;
    thread.m_joinable = false;

template <class F>
inline void Thread::start(F func)
    if (m_joinable)
    std::unique_ptr<F> func2(new F(func));       // Throws
    start(&Thread::entry_point<F>, func2.get()); // Throws
    m_joinable = true;

inline Thread::~Thread() noexcept
    if (m_joinable)
        REALM_TERMINATE("Destruction of joinable thread");

inline bool Thread::joinable() noexcept
    return m_joinable;

inline void Thread::start(entry_func_type entry_func, void* arg)
#ifdef _WIN32
    m_std_thread = std::thread(entry_func, arg);
    const pthread_attr_t* attr = nullptr; // Use default thread attributes
    int r = pthread_create(&m_id, attr, entry_func, arg);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))
        create_failed(r); // Throws

template <class F>
inline void* Thread::entry_point(void* cookie) noexcept
    std::unique_ptr<F> func(static_cast<F*>(cookie));
    try {
    catch (...) {
    return 0;

inline Mutex::Mutex()

inline Mutex::Mutex(process_shared_tag)
    bool robust_if_available = false;

inline Mutex::~Mutex() noexcept
#ifndef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_impl);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))

inline void Mutex::init_as_regular()
#ifndef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_mutex_init(&m_impl, 0);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))

inline void Mutex::lock() noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_mutex_lock(&m_impl);
    if (REALM_LIKELY(r == 0))

inline bool Mutex::try_lock() noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    return TryEnterCriticalSection(&m_critical_section);
    int r = pthread_mutex_trylock(&m_impl);
    if (r == EBUSY) {
        return false;
    else if (r == 0) {
        return true;

inline void Mutex::unlock() noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_impl);
    REALM_ASSERT(r == 0);

inline LockGuard::LockGuard(Mutex& m) noexcept
    : m_mutex(m)

inline LockGuard::~LockGuard() noexcept

inline UniqueLock::UniqueLock(Mutex& m) noexcept
    : m_mutex(&m)
    m_is_locked = true;

inline UniqueLock::UniqueLock(Mutex& m, defer_lock_tag) noexcept
    : m_mutex(&m)
    m_is_locked = false;

inline UniqueLock::~UniqueLock() noexcept
    if (m_is_locked)

inline bool UniqueLock::holds_lock() noexcept
    return m_is_locked;

inline void UniqueLock::lock() noexcept
    m_is_locked = true;

inline void UniqueLock::unlock() noexcept
    m_is_locked = false;

template <typename TFunc>
inline RobustLockGuard::RobustLockGuard(RobustMutex& m, TFunc func)
    : m_mutex(m)

inline RobustLockGuard::~RobustLockGuard() noexcept

inline RobustMutex::RobustMutex()
    : Mutex(no_init_tag())
    bool robust_if_available = true;

inline RobustMutex::~RobustMutex() noexcept

template <class Func>
inline void RobustMutex::lock(Func recover_func)
    bool no_thread_has_died = low_level_lock(); // Throws
    if (REALM_LIKELY(no_thread_has_died))
    try {
        recover_func(); // Throws
        // If we get this far, the protected memory has been
        // brought back into a consistent state, and the mutex has
        // been notified about this. This means that we can safely
        // enter the applications critical section.
    catch (...) {
        // Unlocking without first calling mark_as_consistent()
        // means that the mutex enters the "not recoverable"
        // state, which will cause all future attempts at locking
        // to fail.

template <class Func>
inline bool RobustMutex::try_lock(Func recover_func)
    int lock_result = try_low_level_lock(); // Throws
    if (lock_result == 0) return false;
    bool no_thread_has_died = lock_result == 1;
    if (REALM_LIKELY(no_thread_has_died))
        return true;
    try {
        recover_func(); // Throws
        // If we get this far, the protected memory has been
        // brought back into a consistent state, and the mutex has
        // been notified aboit this. This means that we can safely
        // enter the applications critical section.
    catch (...) {
        // Unlocking without first calling mark_as_consistent()
        // means that the mutex enters the "not recoverable"
        // state, which will cause all future attempts at locking
        // to fail.
    return true;

inline void RobustMutex::unlock() noexcept

inline CondVar::CondVar()
#ifndef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_cond_init(&m_impl, 0);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))

inline CondVar::~CondVar() noexcept
#ifndef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_cond_destroy(&m_impl);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))

inline void CondVar::wait(LockGuard& l) noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    SleepConditionVariableCS(&m_condvar, &l.m_mutex.m_critical_section, INFINITE);
    int r = pthread_cond_wait(&m_impl, &l.m_mutex.m_impl);
    if (REALM_UNLIKELY(r != 0))
        REALM_TERMINATE("pthread_cond_wait() failed");

template <class Func>
inline void CondVar::wait(RobustMutex& m, Func recover_func, const struct timespec* tp)
    int r;

    if (!tp) {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if (!SleepConditionVariableCS(&m_condvar, &m.m_critical_section, INFINITE))
            r = GetLastError();
            r = 0;
        r = pthread_cond_wait(&m_impl, &m.m_impl);
    else {
#ifdef _WIN32
        if (!SleepConditionVariableCS(&m_condvar, &m.m_critical_section, tp->tv_sec / 1000)) {
            r = GetLastError();
            if (r == ERROR_TIMEOUT)
        } else {
            r = 0;
        r = pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_impl, &m.m_impl, tp);
        if (r == ETIMEDOUT)

    if (REALM_LIKELY(r == 0))


    try {
        recover_func(); // Throws
        // If we get this far, the protected memory has been
        // brought back into a consistent state, and the mutex has
        // been notified aboit this. This means that we can safely
        // enter the applications critical section.
    catch (...) {
        // Unlocking without first calling mark_as_consistent()
        // means that the mutex enters the "not recoverable"
        // state, which will cause all future attempts at locking
        // to fail.

inline void CondVar::notify() noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_cond_signal(&m_impl);
    REALM_ASSERT(r == 0);

inline void CondVar::notify_all() noexcept
#ifdef _WIN32
    int r = pthread_cond_broadcast(&m_impl);
    REALM_ASSERT(r == 0);

// helpers which can ensure atomic access to memory which has not itself been declared atomic.
// This can be used to e.g. ensure atomic access to members of a vector. Vectors does not
// fully allow atomic members because operations on vector may relocate the underlying memory.
// use with care!
template <typename T>
T load_atomic(T& t_ref, std::memory_order order)
    std::atomic<T>* t_ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<T>*>(&t_ref);
    T t = atomic_load_explicit(t_ptr, order);
    return t;

template <typename T>
void store_atomic(T& t_ref, T value, std::memory_order order)
    std::atomic<T>* t_ptr = reinterpret_cast<std::atomic<T>*>(&t_ref);
    atomic_store_explicit(t_ptr, value, order);

} // namespace util
} // namespace realm